Tuesday, March 1, 2016

February Resolution: Bookcase Cabinets

As you may know, my New Year's Resolution was to complete 12 projects within the year. The projects aren't necessarily large projects, they had just been weighing on me and stressing me out. I felt like I wanted to get them all done at once, which was pretty impossible. Planning to check only one off each month has been so much more relaxing and realistic for my new role as a mother. 

This month, I took care of the cabinets at the bottom of the bookcases in our living room. 
When we moved in I really didn't do much with the space because I planned for it to be a place to hide toys when LBJ started to get interested in such things. However, the cabinets quickly became a space to throw all the clutter we wanted to hide when we had company. Here's a little embarrassing peek at what they looked like before. 
I picked up the baskets from a Pier 1 clearance sale and planned to fill them with LBJ's toys. In the mean time they were to remain empty. Oops. Random cords, paperwork, candles, and other items started filling the baskets. So after emptying out the clutter/junk and putting the contents in their rightful homes, I was able to start putting baby toys in them. 
We have one basket for "soft" toys, and the other basket for more interactive toys, if you will. It's so convenient to be able to just reach in and grab a toy, especially since our main play area is on the rug just in front of the cabinets. 
The third basket actually remains empty at this point. I know more toys are in our future so this allows the space to work until his toys become bigger. However, that would mean he would get bigger, which isn't allowed to happen anyway. 
The other cabinet is where all of our TV and sound equipment is, as well as all of my camera and photography supplies. There is really no excuse for it to look like this. 
I mean, we even have a doormat under there. Why? Yea, I have no clue. Also, all of my photography equipment was stored so horribly. Nothing was easy to get to. I was keeping my camera in my camera bag, making it near impossible to grab it quickly and snap a shot. 
I used another one of the baskets to fill with all of my camera supplies, i.e. cleaners, extra lenses, batteries, cords, mini tripods, etc. {that little empty space is where my camera rests, but obviously I'm using in to take the picture.}
I used a small mason jar to keep all of my little cleaners, and flipped a tissue box cover upside-down to store lenses and cords. It's the same tissue cover I used here! I picked up two at Bed Bath and Beyond for only $1.50. 

With the extra space I was able to get my lighting equipment, tripod, and camera sticks out of their bag making them easier to grab as well. 
By simply moving a few items around and wrapping up a few cords on the top shelf I was able to fit all of the electronic equipment to one side. 
This left the other side wide open, except for our wizard wand remote control, which obviously every home needs. But I figured this space can slowly become an overflow area as LBJ begins to take over our home. 
You may notice there are three cabinets on the bookcase, however one is fake! The cabinet to the far right covers up the head space for our basement stairs. It's pretty brilliant. 

This project was pretty simple to tackle, it was mainly just taking the time to address the clutter that had accumulated and finding a proper home for it. 
One more project off of my To-Do list! You guys, I can't tell you how great it feels to look at this list and know that I am actually getting each item completed. I mean, it's only two months in, but so far so good! 
How are you all doing on your resolutions? Do you have a space designated for quick clutter clean up when guests are coming over?

Thanks for visiting!

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