Friday, February 19, 2016

Setting Realistic Daily Goals

I am someone who always has a running list of To Do's in my head. I actually love writing lists down just so I can tick off each item as I complete it. However, I tend to get a little ahead of myself with my daily lists. I sometimes write lists for the day that are 20 items long. Then at the end of the day, I feel overwhelmed and unaccomplished when everything hasn't been completed. I start feeling like I will never get ahead. Since many of the items on my lists were things that had to be done, i.e., laundry, grocery, cleaning, etc., I knew I couldn't just ignore them. Instead, I decided to make my list more manageable. 
The Power of Three
Each day I set three goals. Just three. I know it sounds so minimal to only accomplish three things within a day, but if I can get those three manageable goals completed I feel like a whole new person. And instead of going to bed feeling bad about myself and focusing on what I haven't been able to accomplish in a day, I go to bed feeling fulfilled and completed and ready to tackle the next day.

What Are Realistic Goals? 
My goals can vary greatly depending on the day. Sometimes my goals are simply for me to shower, make the bed, and eat three meals {instead of grabbing a bite of whatever I can get my hands on when I'm not tending to LBJ}. Other days, like today {Thursday} they're a little more challenging; Laundry, Costco, Finish blog post. 

Some days I am able to get all three goals completed before noon and I seriously feel like superwoman. If I'm able to add more to the list, like go to the grocery when it wasn't actually a goal for the day, I feel deserving of a round of applause as I stroll down the aisles. I want to tell people in the store, "You guys, this is the fourth thing I will accomplish today. I mean, go me, right?".  

How It's Going
I've been doing this for almost two months now and it has made such a tremendous difference in my stress level and in my confidence. I know it sounds silly but I would get so down on myself for not accomplishing everything every day. Now I feel more in control and flexible throughout the day. And honestly, I sleep better at night, even with an infant. I don't go to bed with my head spinning through all of the things I want to get done the next day. I think of three things that will make me feel accomplished, commit to those goals, and sleep like a baby, {literally}. 

Thanks for visiting!

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