Friday, February 12, 2016

Realistic Reader: KonMari Motivation

Have you heard of the KonMari Method? I know so many people have been inspired by the book, "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up" by Marie Kondo, which describes the KonMari Method. Well one of our readers, Meagan, read the book and made some serious transformations in her home after doing so. 

If you haven't read the book don't worry, you're in good company {it's on my to-do list}. You'll be able to get a great peek to the concept as Meagan describes how she used the method and shares a few spaces she addressed after being inspired. 
In the Closet
Before I read the book, I was storing all of my clothes in 3 different rooms because I had no space for everything. My jewelry and accessories were stored in separate places as well. Now everything is in one place, seasonal items included! 

To begin, take everything out of the closet. Hold each item in your hands and ask, "does it spark joy?" Only put back the items that spark joy. Arrange clothing by weight and color, dark to light.
Arrange drawers and accessories so that every item is visible. 
I organized this space about 6 months ago and the closet is still organized and only contains items I wear and love. The process taught me a lot about what cuts and colors flatter me and gave me a stronger sense of my personal style. 
I even have room to store my bathing suits and cover ups, all folded and visible!
Getting dressed is much easier now, as is shopping because I know what works for me, and I am choosier about what makes it into my wardrobe. I try to think of reasons not to buy an item rather than reasons why I should, which cuts back on impulse buys and helps me select only things I need and love to wear. 

Folded Shirts
Storing folded shirts sideways allows me to have every shirt visible to me when I open the drawer. To prevent the stack from toppling over as items are removed and worn, apply drawer liners {just another reason why everyone should own drawer liners}.
Coat Closet
Using the same concept of removing items that don't bring me joy, I was able to get my outerwear down to three coats and two jackets. This closet was overflowing with coats before. 

The T-Shirt Trick {non KonMari}
To prevent my boots from folding over {thus taking up more closet space}, I stuff them with rolled up T-Shirts. I had several sentimental tees I wasn't willing to part with, but I also probably wasn't going to wear again. Instead of having them take up space on a shelf, they act as a support for my boots. I also put a few in my purses and bags so they can keep their shape while being stored on a shelf. 
{I LOVE this idea!! Definitely implementing in my closet now!}
Marie Kondo says that you should purge your books too. Well, I just couldn't bring myself to do that so instead I made my bookshelf bring me joy in a new organized way. 
Knitting Supplies
Sticking with the color coordinated theme, I organized all of my yarn and knitting supplies into this cubby system as well.
{this is enough to inspire me to knit!} 
Although the KonMari Method can seem a bit extreme for our culture, I was able to adjust it to fit my needs and make some huge transformations!

Ok, who else is seriously inspired by what Meagan has done? I had been planning to read the book but now I'm more motivated to go purge everything I own rather than sit down and read. Have any of you been inspired by the KonMari Method? 

Thanks for visiting!

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