Friday, February 5, 2016

The Official Nursery Reveal

Since I showed you all the Nursery closet earlier this week, I figured it was time to share the nursery in its more completed state. I really wanted to share just how special this space is to us. I may just be writing this post for my benefit so that we can go back and remember how sweet and adorable his room was before poop, pee and puke overwhelmed the space. Nonetheless, here it is in a little more detail and what makes it so special to us. 
Like the rest of our house, we spent a little more on furniture and less, if anything, on decorations and accessories. Many of the decorations were used at my baby showers, like the "Welcome Aboard" lifesaver hung on the door. 
We found the whale tail hooks on a vacation we took right after we found out the gender and officially started spoiling our little man. They're from a little shop Brit and I make sure to visit each time we vacation to Fripp Island {where Brit proposed + where we got married = super meaningful location}. 
The hooks actually started out a little less colorful. We brightened them up with a simple coat of red, white and blue spray paint. 
This clock was another inexpensive addition, which we tied a small bit of twine to in order to display some of the sweet cards LBJ has received. Eventually the cards will be taken down and we plan to put up a growth chart. But we'll wait until he can actually stand for that. 
The bookshelf is packed with sentimental items and DIY decor. 
On the top, we put a marquee anchor found at Michael's for $15, and the bottle we used for our gender reveal
Another very meaningful piece is the whale tail made of seashells {notice a little whale theme yet?}. This piece came together from shells my family and I found together on our beach vacation last year. 
Using the same paint as the silhouette art, I painted the background of a small box {actually an extra box from our wedding centerpiece}. Then I added shells one by one adhering with a hot glue gun. 
The small blocks were also a personalized DIY project. I picked up several blocks from Michael's and using the vinyl paper for my silhouette machine, I cut out letters and shapes specific to his room. 
The rest of the shelf is full of photos of our new little man, toys, and tons of books. We received so many books between both of our baby showers and didn't get a single duplicate! The best part is, many of the books have little messages from the person who gave it to him making each one special and unique. 
We've added the small nightstand since I last shared, as well as a rocker but that's in our bedroom while LBJ still sleeps in there. The lamp on the nightstand and the navy stripped shades were things that called for a little tweaking in order to give the room the look we were going for. 
The lamp was found at Home Goods for about $25. With a little red paint, we were able to brighten it up and make it a little more appropriate for a child's nursery. Sorry the before picture isn't great, bad lighting, I promise it's the same lamp. 
I struggled so much with what I wanted to do with the shades in this room. I originally bought some adorable grey and white stripped curtains from Home Goods, but because the room isn't really that large, the curtains only made it feel smaller. You may remember when I shared our home tour, that this room was lavender. Well, so were the stripes on the shades, but with some ribbon and a glue gun, I was able to make them the color I wanted for about $30! {I used this ribbon for the thin stripe and this one for the thick stripe}. I simply glued the navy ribbon right on top of the lavender stripe.
Over the crib we hung up pennants that were decorations from my baby shower, and brace yourself, they're reversible. 

The stuffed animal hammock was also created from decorations at my baby shower, which I'll post more on how that came together soon.  Here's a view of the pieces at my shower. 
The mobile was created from a wreath frame and additional decorations from my shower.
I originally made it using satin blue ribbon wrapped around the frame, but I hated the way it looked. So I changed it out for some rope, which "ties in" the rope on the lamp. 
So far, LBJ is a pretty big fan. 
oh my gosh those rolls on his arms... love love love
I just have to share this blanket too because I just think it is so, so awesome. Kelly Kunzman at Sewn With Heartstrings made it out of some of Brit's old work shirts. I had been hanging on to a pile of them for a while thinking one day I would make a blanket from them. Sooooo glad I let Kelly handle that. 
There really couldn't be anything better than being able to wrap your baby up in a blanket made from his father's shirts. I'm thinking about having her make another one out of LBJ's onesies so each time he has a growth spurt I can cry and cuddle with it in the corner. 
The changing table area hasn't changed much since I shared the silhouette art, but here's an updated picture anyway. 
Last but certainly not least, a few more decorations from my shower were able to be added into the bathroom. 
All in all, the space has so many things from such wonderful people, places, and memories. The room is filled to the brim with love. We feel so lucky to be able to create such a wonderful space for LBJ to grow in. Now, let's see how long it all lasts. I have a feeling the whale tail made from seashells will be first to go.  

Thanks for visiting!

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