Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Where did March go?

Helllllooooo! Envision I'm saying this in my best Jerry Seinfeld impression, complete with the side mouth and excessive arm wave. Don't know what I'm talking about? Understandable, here ya go...
So, it's been a while. I unintentionally took March off from blogging. Oops! I have so much to share with you all, but I thought I would briefly stop in just to say "Hello" before jumping into the projects I've been working on and share with you some expectations for the future.

In case you missed the overwhelming number of pictures on Instagram, I've been spending a lot of time with my son lately. I honestly never thought I'd be the person who posts pictures of my child on social media all the time, but apparently I am. #sorrynotsorry I blame it on my family and friends being so far away. LBJ is pretty much the center of my world, especially since I'm not going back to work at this time. I don't want this blog to turn into a parenting blog or anything like that, but the reality is I am a parent now and organizing baby clothes and feeling unaccomplished is my new normal. 
If you've been reading this blog for a while, you've ventured with me from being a NYC social worker trying to keep an apartment organized, to a suburban stay-at-home mother and wife, living in a house with plenty of space for us to spread out, comparatively. As my life has changed, the blog has changed. Friday afternoons used to be New Post Day! Now, I have no idea when Friday is or how it's any different from Tuesday.

Blogging is such a passion of mine and I just love connecting with all of you. If you're not a parent and have no interest in seeing posts about organizing and DIY stuff for kiddos, don't worry, I still plan to post projects that are not kid related. If you got really used to the regular Friday afternoon posts and are just beside yourself without them, you may just want to click unsubscribe now. As much as I'd love to stay on that schedule, I need to be realistic in my life. So, expect posts in the future. They are probably going to be irregular. There are likely going to be more spelling and grammatical errors {less sleep = less focus}. And there will probably be more posts about organizing as a mother.
If these are all things you expected, than this post is totally a waste of your time. But here's a picture of this adorable 4 month old boy that hopefully makes it not a complete waste. 
Mr. Realistic Organizer {with really red, tired eyes}
Can't wait to share what I've been working on with you all! Just need this guy to sleep long enough for me to finish writing it :) 

Thanks for visiting!

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