Friday, July 24, 2015

New Home Reveal and Time Capsule

Hey guys! Guess who's blogging from the Yankee Doodle state? I don't think it's actually known as the Yankee Doodle state, but that charming little jingle is Connecticut's official state song, so I'm going to try to get the nickname started. Anyway, as of last week we are officially in our new home!!

To memorialize this huge life moment, I made a little time capsule we could look back on either in a year or when we buy our next home {which will most likely be a plot of land in the local cemetery because I'm never moving again}. 
Get a printable version for yourself here!
Can you guess which one was Brit's suggestion to add? I'll give you a hint, it's the third from the bottom. 

I know I've been slacking a little on the organizing lately, serious apologies and gratitudes for continuing to read. However, I'm pretty sure my brain is going to explode soon with all of the organizing adventures that are running through it. I can't wait to get started and share them with you all, but unpacking takes priority this week, unfortunately. 

I'm not just going to leave you like that, though. I do have some pictures of our empty house to share with you {try to contain your excitement}. I figured it could be fun to share how everything progresses. 

In case you missed it before, here's a picture of the front of the house. 
I haven't taken an updated picture since we moved in so this is the listing photo, but really not much has changed here. Just my picture won't be professional quality. 

Below is the floor plan so you can have a better idea where we're going as I walk you through the empty house. I tried to draw amazing walk through arrows, but let's just say I have other talents, drawing lines and arrows is not one of them. 
As per Brit's request, this room is known as "the Front Room", because, well, it's in the front. It's listed as Living Room on the floor plan.  
The Living Room {titled the Family room on the floor plan}
The Mud Room and downstairs bathroom {finally have our own laundry room!!}
The Kitchen
The Kitchen
Just imagine how many freezer meal recipes can be tested in here ;) 
Dining Room 
This bar might be a little more modern and manageable than our last one
Yes, there is actually a Green Room/Office!! And when I say green, I mean G-R-E-E-N. Everything is painted green, including the window panes. I like green and all, but this is even a little much for us. But I'm pretty excited to know that I'm not the only one who paints a room green. 
I thought numbering the rooms might work better, I'll stick to organizing spaces. 
Master Bedroom {with our camping air mattress in the lower corner, because that's what we slept on the first night}
Master closet. Excuse me while I pop my eyes back in their sockets. Is it weird to be in love with a closet? 
Bedroom #1, aka the Nursery
Bedroom #2
Bedroom #3
Now down to the basement, which will soon become the location where I watch the Cleveland Browns make history and win Super Bowl 50. 

Basement view from stairs
Basement view from back corner 
Ok, now will someone come over and unpack and paint while I sit with my feet up? I mean, I am supposed to be retired.

Here's just a little peek to what the front room was looking like yesterday. We actually finished painting in there last night, but we have no furniture for the room #priorities.
I'll keep you all updated on how each room becomes a home, but for now, back to painting and unpacking.

Follow me on Instagram for more pictures like this one!
Thanks for visiting!


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