Friday, July 31, 2015

Why You Should Be Using Drawer Liners

First off, thank you for actually reading this opening sentence after a title like that. I mean, there has to be more thrilling things to read on a Friday afternoon than a blog post about drawer liners. However, I will try my best to make this worth your while. 
I'm just going to get right to it. Your drawers should have liners. In order to have nice organized drawers, liners are definitely the way to go. And they're cheap, only $10 at Bed Bath and Beyond for a large supply! 

When unpacking our kitchen, I mainly just wanted to empty boxes and paid little attention to exactly how functional everything was going to be. 
Don't get me wrong, I unpacked with purpose, i.e. put the coffee cups near the coffee pot, the pots and pans near the stove, but I started putting things into drawers without thinking how well they would work there. After opening and closing the drawer a few times, things started to get a little wonky. 
Ok, so it's not the worst kitchen drawer ever, but it would only get worse and honestly, I hate rooting through drawers to find what I'm looking for. I would much prefer to just open the drawer, grab what I want, and be done with it. 

Adding drawer liners allows your things to stay in place, no matter how many times you open and close {or slam} the drawer shut. This is after I added the liners. 
And this is after opening and closing the drawer really hard about 5 times. Notice only the pizza cutter slightly shifted.
Ok, if that isn't enough to excite you, I took some more photos of other drawers {contain yourself, please}. I hated this drawer for all of 7 days. Luckily it's full of items we rarely use {remember this box, this is what it was full of} so I wasn't in it that often, but I couldn't stand how much everything shifted every time I opened the drawer. Even the little organizing tray wouldn't stay in place. 
After adding the liner and rapidly opening and closing the drawer a few times, I honestly don't think a single item moved. 
Aren't you so glad you spent part of your day reading about drawer liners?? I know it's not the most exciting thing in the world but it truly is an organizing staple, especially in kitchens and bathrooms. Just try it. 

Do your kitchen drawers drive you crazy? What are some things you've used to keep them organized? 

Thanks for visiting!

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