Friday, May 8, 2015

Organizing Nail Polish using Trash

Hey guys, I'm gonna take a little break from talking about moving and apartment stuff this week. I'm sure some of you are thrilled. None more than me, I seriously need a break from the insanity. So this week I decided to share a little project I did a while ago actually and never shared, but that I really love. Call it a #fbf (fall back Friday) if you will. 
Someone asked me recently where I get the ideas to DIY things or organize things in unique ways. Honestly, it all comes from a need. Something won't be working out in the way it's set up, so I know I need to fix it. But also, it comes from me being a total lazy cheapskate, and pretty impatient. When I see something isn't working, I'm ready to address it right then and there and don't want to bother with going to the store and buying something new. So, for example, my nail polish. 

I had all my polishes nicely organized in this little drawer system. I had them separated by what type of color I could use. Let's just say the "wild" drawer was basically for those colors I'm too scared to wear for longer than a day. And for the most part, this system worked great. Except for one tiny little error. 
Polish was constantly leaking from the top. It wasn't until I had to throw out several polishes before I decided to fix the problem. And how did I fix it? Using trash, what else? 
I had this empty box of foil waiting to be taken to the trash, so instead of throwing it away I filled it with nail polish. 

I removed the little razor blade that helps cut the foil easily. 
I cut off the top as well, in a nice and perfectly straight line... even with fold lines to follow, straight lines and scissors just don't combine well for me. 
Just to make it look a little nicer, I covered it in decorative paper and taped it all up using packaging tape {same method used here}. The nail polish fits so perfectly in the box, it excites me more than something like this should excite a normal person. 
I used picture hanging command strips on the back of the box to hang it up on the inside of our cabinet door in the bathroom. I didn't trust the strips 100% so I added a little reinforcement. 
Does anyone else have those hairbands that barely have any elastic left, but for some reason you just keep putting them back with your stash? So I grabbed one of those guys and hot glued it to the front of the box. I added a little button in top, again just for looks it serves no other purpose. I measured out the best location to add a hook so it would support the front weight. 
And voila! No matter how many times we've slammed that cabinet door, these babies don't budge or fly out or anything! When I'm ready to paint my nails I either grab a desired color or pull the whole box off the door and test which color I'm in the mood for. 
I love it so much I actually made another one using a wax paper box, once we ran out. Of course, I only have a picture of the one for now. But I assure you, it's just as cute and just as functional, and rests right below this one.

Although there are only Essie nail polishes shown here {clearly, I'm a fan}, I've been able to put several different brands in each box without a problem of it fitting. So, how's your foil supply? If you're running low, don't toss that box too quickly. I'm sure there are many other uses for it! One man's trash is another man's treasure, and all that jazz.

Thanks for visiting!

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