Friday, May 15, 2015

Happy Blogiversary: Year Two

Can you believe it? 2 years! If this blog were a child, it'd be learning to run around, throwing tantrums, and probably start getting interested in using the potty. I definitely feel like I'm just learning to walk with blogging, and when I skip a week in posting, well, that my friends is a tantrum. I'm pretty sure I have the potty thing down, however every now and then Brit does have to reel me in when my writing gets a little potty-mouth-ish {yes, the girl who prefers to say "dangit", sometimes toes the line. I recently tried using the sentence "crossing everything from fingers to ovaries", however, Brit vetoed. See how I still snuck it in there}.

Annnnyway, I am so amazed at how this blog has grown over the past two years. I went from about 30 readers per post, to over 300 on posting day, and thousands within a week! I mean, whaaaat? Who are you? Why are you reading my blog? I want to meet and befriend every single one of you who is taking time to read my posts and my rambling. You all are so stinking awesome it kinda makes me sick. I feel like saying "thank you" is not nearly enough. I wish I could send you all flowers, or bake cookies, or just go out for coffee. 
So much has happened in the last year. I definitely want to do a little recap of some fave posts since 2013, but first let's take a minute to talk about what has been happening in just the last 3-4 months. I shared with you guys earlier this year that the social service agency I work for is closing down. You all were so supportive and shared such kind words, I mean, can I say it too much? You're awesome

We had some decisions to make after getting the news about my job, and with Brit already working in Stamford, Connecticut, we made the BIG decision to move. We started getting our apartment ready by removing our very outdated bar, removing so much clutter, then making minor updates, and staging

In addition to all of this excitement and chaos, we have just a teeny tiny little bit more news to share with you all. You may have seen this on Instagram...
I hate keeping secrets and this has be sooo difficult!! But, whew! It's finally out. We are expecting a little addition to our family right around Thanksgiving this year. This definitely was a deciding factor for pulling the trigger on our move. While we had previously discussed the possibility of raising a child in the city until about it's second birthday. But now that we're actually in the situation, we feel completely different. We're getting out! 

And just for a little update on our moving progress, we have had several offers on the place so far. The market is hot, hot, hot! I'm not going to share anymore on that now, don't want to jinx anything! 

Ok, now that everything has been shared, let's take a look at the top 5 favorite projects of the last year. 

How to Organize Cords Using a Show Organizer
This project has been so useful and a real success here on the blog. It will definitely be put to use in our new home. 

12 More Organized Slow Cooker-Freezer Meals
I wasn't surprised at all that this post made the top of the list. I'm so glad you guys all love easy, delicious slow-cooker meals as much as I do. 

Organized Weekly Dinners
While I've kinda slipped a little in my dinner planning organization lately, I still try very hard to get everything together the week before. This will be super important when we move out of the city and can't fall back on ordering food from anywhere we want. 

How to Organize Product Manuals
One of my big goals this year is to organize all of these manuals online. Let's see if that actually happens...

How to Organize Digital Pictures
I've been doing really well with keeping up with our pictures. I hope I'm able to continue to organization once there's a child in our world!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Here's to another year of exciting adventures in organizing and huge life events! 

Thanks for visiting!

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