Friday, May 22, 2015

Cheeseburger {Cookies} in Paradise

You guys, I can't believe it. I am about to post a timely holiday post. I have a pretty bad history of posting about things when it's just a little too late. But not this year. This year, or at least this week, I'm sharing a really simple dessert recipe that is perfect for cookouts, bbqs, summer, or just a little after school snack. Ok, it's not so timely if you use it as an after school snack, but no one is perfect. 
If you're going to a cookout this weekend and are looking for a simple something to bring for the host, these little guys are the answer. Aside from being delicious, they are super easy to make and really cute.

You'll need Nilla Wafers, Grasshoppers, and icing for the "toppings". I use red icing for tomato and green for lettuce, if I happen to have yellow icing on hand, I'll add a little cheese. 
Line up the cookies, add icing to each Nilla wafer, then top with a Grasshopper. Add cheese to the grasshopper, if desired. 
Then stack your cookies. When I'm feeling super creative I'll top the bun with a few sesame seeds. They don't modify the flavor if you just add a few. To get them to stick, I very lightly spray the cookies with cooking spray. I'm sure there are other ways to get the seeds to stick, but this is the easiest way I've found that doesn't modify the flavors. 
I store them in the refrigerator until they're ready to be served but that's just personal preference, there is no need to do this. 
Pile them on a tray or in tupperware and show off your little domestic creativeness this Summer. 
My mom used to make these for us when we were kids, but they are just as good as an adult. Trust me. 
So this is what a timely post feels like. Pretty cool actually, maybe I'll try to do it more often. I hope you all have an amazing Memorial Day weekend! 
Thanks for visiting!

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