Friday, May 1, 2015

We're on the Market!

Well folks, I'm walking around NYC with my pants down. Not literally, of course, but our apartment is officially listed and out there. I feel so exposed, kind of like I have no pants on. Although I share photos of our home on here all the time, this is somehow different. We are trying to stand out and get people to really want what we're offering here {eek!}. Here are the listing photos, the photographer actually used the same camera that I own, but is clearly a professional. My pictures don't look anything like this. 


I spy with my little eye, 5 things that annoy me. Of course I am the most critical of the images. Hopefully, the little things I see and would love to tweak and then have them retake the pictures, aren't enough to deter people from the apartment. So far, there are a few appointments to see the place scheduled so I'm crossing everything from my fingers to my toes. 

I am so nervous, anxious, hopeful, terrified, excited, and just down right exhausted. Getting a home ready to sell is not easy. Brit and I have already decided that if we ever plan to move from our next home, we're going out Gilbert Grape style. Burning it down with everything in it. At this point it seems so much easier rather than having to deal with painting, cleaning, depersonalizing, and staging. 
Here is a list of everything we've done to get our home ready to sell. 

  • Removed the bar
  • Redid the hardwood floors, and ripped up carpeting in the bedroom
  • Painted almost every room and ceiling
  • Purchased staging items to make our home look lived in, not too personal, and more expensive
  • Added a light {see dining room image above}
  • Removed essentially everything we own
  • Cleaned, organized, cleaned, organized, cleaned, organized. 
While normally the last thing on the list would thrill me, it's not exactly the type of cleaning and organizing I prefer doing. We're organizing closets to look larger, when in fact they have about 1/3 of the items a normal person would own. Not exactly realistic. Nonetheless, it helps to sell a place so I'm all about it! 

So wish us luck this weekend, cross your fingers, roll your tongue, rub Buddha's belly. Whatever you do, I'd love for you to do a little extra to get the selling-a-home gods on our side. 

Job Update:
Some of you have been asking how my job is or if I'm still working {you guys are so sweet!}. To answer questions briefly, yes I'm still working. The agency hasn't officially closed it's doors yet, however it's looking like all programs and division should be shut down by June 1st. I've been asked to stay on to help things close down smoothly, so my last day will probably be June 12th. 

At this point, job hunting and interviews have taking a back seat in the way, way back. I'm not interested in commuting into the city if I don't have to so my job hunt will begin again after we have figured out where in the heck we're going to be living. Seems reasonable, right? Thank you everyone for your kind words, encouragement, and for sticking through this tough time with me. I know not everyone is able to relate to my current posts, so thank you, thank you, thank you for continuing to stop by and read all my babbling.

Thanks for visiting!

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