Friday, January 9, 2015

Top Ten Organizing Solutions for 2015

Ok, so it's 2015. Typically on an organizer's blog, one might expect to see posts about the new year, new projects to tackle and organizing goals for the year. Maybe you would see tips and strategies for overhauling the garage, basement, attic, or any other large space that's been on the to-do list for years. Well... hate to disappoint, that's not quite the situation here. 

Truth is, I've been struggling a bit to get motivated this year. Let me clarify so you aren't picturing me in bed with the Ben and Jerry's crying for 2014 to come back and claim me. I am struggling with getting motivated for these large projects. I look around our home and see things that could be done, closets that could be emptied and reorganized, but then I look again, shrug, and figure, I'm fine with it the way it is {Brit is looking up at the heavens praising Amen! Sorry, Brit, this is just a pause}.

Instead of making this post about large projects to tackle in 2015, I decided I would share some key items that help keep us organized on a daily basis. This may not be the big overhaul you're looking for, but it might also be just the trick to get that pantry to a place where you don't lose your appetite each time you visit {I see pros and cons to this situation}, or to address all those winter accessories that overwhelm your closet shelf and floor each year. Here are the top ten organizing solutions we use everyday that keep us organized {in no particular order} 
1 / 2 /3 /4 /5 /6 /7 /8 /9 /10 
#1: Thin hangers
I've discussed these bad boys on the blog before but I wanted to reiterate how much space they really save in our closets. I use them for all of my tops and dresses. I feel that they're a little too weak for coats and bulky sweaters, so those go on more durable plastic hangers. With the actual hanger taking up about a quarter of the space a plastic or wooden one does, they save so much space in our closet! I also love the velvet aspect, which makes it nearly impossible for clothes to fall off of them.

#2: Labels
You all know I like to label things, well, nearly everything, but it's all for good reason. There are two of us in this home and although I may know exactly how I organized something, I really can't expect Brit to keep up with the constantly changing organization systems. This is where labels play such an important role. 

I have also found that I don't have to think as much when something is labeled {hear me out on this}. If I open a closet and the bin or basket has a label on it, I don't have to rack my brain to try to remember which items were stored in which bin, leaving so much more space in my head for more important things, like has it been an acceptable amount of time since my last holiday chocolate to have another? {yes, yes it has}. 
Read more about this project here
Personally, I love my label maker and use it just about as often as I can, but sometimes I get the urge to make my own labels as well. 
Read more about this project here
#3: Drawer dividers
Sometimes I forget that I even have these because I rely so much on them. We use them in our dresser drawers to keep socks and other garments separated. 
I just picked up these guys for my dress socks and pantyhose. So far, I'm a pretty big fan!
We also use them in the kitchen to keep vitamins in line as well. 

#4: Command hooks
Another item I refer to constantly on here, but for good reason. I use them constantly. So much so that Santa even thought to put some in my stocking this year! {this is the exciting life of an organizer}. I use command hooks to create vertical space everywhere. Everyday we grab an item that is stored on a hook, whether it be in the kitchen, in a closet, or in the office. 

I especially appreciate them around the holidays, most of our decorating relies on command hooks. We hang lights, garland, and our wreath using command hooks. 
Read more about this project here
#5: Belt and scarf organizer
I don't actually use these organizers for their intended purpose. The scarf organizer worked well for a while, but I found that it was taking up a tremendous amount of closet space. The scarves would layer on top of each other and the stack just kept getting wider and wider. 

I had a bag organizer that I couldn't use anymore because the doors in our apartment are either bi-fold doors or too wide for the hook. So I hung it on a spare hook in my closet and started draping scarves over the hooks {intended for bags}. It has really saved on space and makes it super easy for me to see each scarf, whereas before some were getting lost underneath each other. 
Since I wasn't using the scarf organizer for scarves anymore, I found a new purpose. I started looping my belts through the openings. It works like a charm! Every now and then one of those thin belts will slip and fall down, I suppose I could add some kind of rubber or nonslip material to prevent this, but it honestly doesn't bother me enough to mess with it. Also, the hanging belts barely take up space in my closet. 

#6: Lazy Susan
Little Miss Lazy Susan has become a bit more popular lately. I feel like every time I'm on Pinterest someone has come up with a new use for one. I love it! We have two in our home that definitely come in handy. The main one we use is under our kitchen sink. We store a lot of our smaller cleaners and aerosol cans on it. I probably spin that pretty lady once a day. 

Read more about this project here
#7: Utensil organizer
This is another item that we don't necessarily always use for it's intended purpose. We do use them to organizer our kitchen utensils, but we also use some for some other projects. Never limit yourself with what the product label recommends! Our utensil drawer is super long and odd shaped so the typical utensil organizer don't actually fit nicely. I picked up these from the Container Store a few years ago, they're more expensive than what I would typically purchase but again they're something we use everyday so I'm ok with the splurge. 
I purchased a large pack of utensil organizer trays at T.J. Maxx about a year ago and we use them in two different ways. A few of the trays sit in the drawer next to our stove and hold some not so frequently used spices and seasonings, as well as our teaspoons and tablespoons. 
The rest of the rest of the trays were used to create the craft/office supply organization going on in our green room. 
To read more about those posts, visit here, and here

#8: Shoe organizers
We use three {well, two but one is cut in half} shoe organizers in our home, and funnily enough, none of them store shoes! My favorite use, and the one that gets used most often is our cord organizer. Recently, I updated from using Ikea bins to this shoe organizer and I love, love, love it! It's so much easier to keep maintained and seriously incredible how much easier it is to grab and put away a cord. 
Check out the other uses for shoe organizers here and here!

#9:  Under the bed drawers
I have never really been a huge fan of things under the bed because I like the clean look of a bed without anything underneath it... but let's get realistic, there's so much space under there! So we have 5 drawers that slide under our bed holding items ranging from pajamas to tall boots. They are an immediate space saver and prevent any monsters from having room to lurk. 

#10: Sweater organizers
Bins have been a saving grace in our closet organization. We use several different kinds depending on their purpose. My most recent favorite is the sweater bins we purchased in August. Before these, getting sweaters and pants down from our top shelf was near impossible. Putting them back nicely folded was impossible! These have seriously saved some sanity and time spent refolding and re-throwing, hoping the sweater lands in a way that it won't wrinkle too much, but more so it won't fall back down. 
Read more about the sweater organizers here
Ok, after writing that post I'm feeling a little more motivated. I'm am super excited for 2015 and so curious what projects will unfold on this blog. Thank you so much for reading my babbles each week :) 

What are some organizing solutions that you use everyday? Do you use any products in different ways than they were intended? 

Thanks for visiting!

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