Friday, January 16, 2015

Finding the Silver Lining

I feel like I owe you all an explanation. I had a reader tell me recently that my posts this year have been "lazy". This was really difficult to absorb because in reality, I work very hard on every post and try to focus on quality versus quantity on my blog. However, I can understand where the comment came from. I've mentioned that I haven't felt motivated lately and I just want to explain why. 

In mid December, the agency I work for was notified that we were going to need to do some "Right-sizing and Reorganizing". Note: reorganizing is fun in your home, not quite as fun in your company. Just for some background, I work at a large social service agency that supports over 12,000 people every day with over 4,000 staff. Those words, "right-sizing and reorganizing" were difficult to hear, but not devastating. However, each week since then we have heard worse and worse news. And on Wednesday of this week we were told the division I work in {adults with developmental disabilities}, is shutting down.  

What does that mean? Well, I am not really certain. There are a lot of details and speculation flying around, but nothing is settled yet. I might be out of a job as of February. I might not be. Some of you may be thinking, who cares? Just get another job. The thing that makes me feel so unmotivated is how much I love my current job. It's very difficult in social services to find a job where you are truly happy, work with great people, and genuinely love what you do. I found that here and now I don't want to let it go. I feel like the band on the Titanic. The ship is sinking, but I'm not quitting. 
Why am I telling you this? I felt like I owed you an explanation if you've felt that I've been slacking or haven't been as committed lately. While I'm trying not to let it affect other parts of my life and seep into my blog, I now understand that it's inevitable. I apologize for this. 

What is the silver lining? I'm not sure yet, but I know it will be there! I am a positive person to a fault and I am convinced that it will work out just fine for everyone. This morning I looked out the window and saw a beautiful sunrise {if you follow me on instagram, you know I like those sunrises}. I thought to myself, no matter what happens the sun always rises again. It's all going to be ok. I decided to take a picture of this moment to remind myself to keep a positive outlook on things. 
And then... I decapitated the Queen...  
She sits on our windowsill and she became a causality in my attempts of a sunny disposition. I can't keep from laughing at it now. Luckily, she's been fixed with a little super glue. But come on, that has to be some kind of message.

Anyway, I really do want to apologize if you've felt there has been a lack of stimulating content. I also want to apologize for not giving you any organizational tips or advice today. To avoid coming off as a lazy blogger, I am going to do just that and be lazy. Of course I have ideas and things I want to share with you but I know if I write them now, they're going to come off forced, and you as a reader deserve better! 

I am truly not looking for pity or sympathy by sharing this with you. I just want to explain, and hope that you all understand. If I have appeared distracted or "off" in my last few posts, it's probably because I am. So this week, I'm taking a little break from the organizing and just trying to regain focus. Thank you, thank you, thank you to those of you who read every week. You have no clue how much it means to me! You guys rock my world! 

Thanks for visiting!


  1. I'm a new follower to your blog, but I'm so sorry you got such a harsh comment! I think people don't realize what we put into our blogs, and that maybe we have other jobs and a family to take care of, etc. (And that maybe we're just blogging because we love it and we don't get paid a dime! ;)) I'm finding the longer I blog that these lulls are maybe an inevitable part of the blogging journey. We're all finding our groove, our niche, our balance...and sometimes other things take over. Good for you for taking a break, and I hope everything works out with your job...or that you figure out what else it is you're supposed to be doing!

    1. My grand daughter who is in fifth grade has an awesome teacher who puts a precept on the black board daily. Her favorite is the darkest hour is only 60 minutes long.
      Out of the mouths of nine year olds.
      Have a blessed day.

    2. Hi Crystal and Nana! Thank you so very much for your kind words, they have made my week so much brighter! Nana, you're granddaughter is going to grow up to be an amazing woman. I feel like I should post that quote on my door. It gave my heart so much peace.

      Crystal, it is so wonderful to have you say those things. You are so right about blogging, most people don't realize how much heart {and sweat and tears!} goes into it. Your comment is worth all of the work though. Thank you, thank you! I am definitely going to start following your blog :) I love the little umbrellas!

      Thank you both for making me smile, cry a little but in the greatest way, and just for taking the time to say such wonderful things.

      xo Stef

  2. I had a comment recently about how this lady thought my blog was too unreal because I made our life out to seem so perfect. It's amazing how just one negative comment can ruin your whole day. Because we really do put our heart and soul into it. Some people are so rude. But the upside is, if your blog is in a lull, it means you're out there living your life and not a slave to the computer screen :) Many blessings to you! We'll see you when you're ready to post some more!

    1. Oh Sarah, I'm so sorry someone said that about your blog! I think your blog is very real, especially today's post. But you're so right, it can really have an impact on your motivation. Thank you so much for your kind words and being my blog buddy :) I am hoping to be back at it this week!
      xo Stef

  3. I'm completely new to your blog and I was astonished to read that someone had commented that you were lazy with your blog. I don't know why. People are people and we're not always nice. But a blog is a blog. You choose to share whatever it is you share and we readers like it or we don't. If we do like it, we want it to be there for us all the time, but in reality, it's not your life. We need to realize that you do have a life outside of your blog and respect your feelings and time. And you really don't owe anyone an explanation. Anyway, I'm sorry that person said that. And I hope your job situation works out. It is a great blessing to actually like your job and the people you work with!


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