Friday, January 2, 2015

Year in Review {2014}

Happy New Year!!!! I hope you all had a wonderful and safe New Year's Eve and are enjoying the freshness of the new year. This week I want to take a moment to review some of your favorite posts from 2014 {based on page views} It was so fun to look back through old posts from 2014 and see which topics you all really enjoyed and which topics I should maybe avoid. So without further ado, here are the top 10 post from the Realistic Organizer in 2014!

To start things of, the recent linen closet update was a popular post in the last 2 months. And I must admit I love the new look of our closet. It truly is refreshing to open those doors and not fear the linen avalanche. 

Have any of you updated an old baking sheet recently? I'd love to see/hear how it went! I will no longer get super upset when a baking sheet becomes too burned, stained, or warped to use in the oven. 

Ahh cords, one of the major struggles in our home. Until now. This system has been super successful, even Brit uses it correctly! The only regret is that I didn't think of it sooner. Here is number 8, with a unique system for organizing cords. 

Spring will be here before we know it {hoping for a nice mild winter}, and I'll soon be back at it with the mass donations. Since this post I have made 4 additional trips to the donation center, and luckily I have a nice organized list of everything I've donated this year. 

I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who struggled with organizing product manuals. I still use the large file folder to organize mine, but maybe this year I'll go paperless and add ALL of the products to a Pinterest board. Maybe I'll make that a resolution... maybe. 

I didn't exactly tackle all of my resolutions from last year, but I am very excited to say that our closets are in much better shape than they were this time last year. I'll have to share some updates on those soon! Here is number 5, with three questions to ask yourself when trying to clear things out. 

With a tiny kitchen it's so crucial to use all space available. Command hooks and shoe organizers to the rescue! Here's a round up of the way we use vertical space to organize the kitchen. 

Planning ahead is one of the best ways to feel more organized in your life. I try to plan out our meals each week and grocery shop just one day a week. Try = operative word here. The holidays have done some serious damage on this plan, however I'm ready to get back into the groove for 2015. 

I love this project and have reused the concept several times since this post. It's so easy and you can just go nuts with your creative brain. Apparently you all feel the same because it weighs in at number 2! 

And finally, number 1. This post was far and away the most successful post of the year. It is also a post that I continue to benefit from. We use the recipes from this post quite frequently, and I can't tell you how much of a time saver and stress reducer it is to know that I won't have to worry about dinner when we have one of these bad boys prepared. 

Thank you so much everyone for another amazing year. I am so excited about this next year and what it will bring. I asked last year and I'll do it again this year, are there any organizing or DIY projects you'd like to see covered on here this year? 

I hope you all have a wonderful 2015! 

Thanks for visiting!

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