Friday, April 18, 2014

Organizing Handyman Supplies

"She must be butter, 'cause she's on a roll!!" Don't mind me, I'm just feeling a little accomplished this month. My resolution projects are getting resolved! Last week the bedroom paint was addressed and the result makes me want to do backflips, or just snuggle up in bed and stare at the walls for a while. This week, some of our closets have gotten the much needed attention they deserve. We still have a waaaays to go, but we've created space, and that is a fabulous start if you ask me.

A while back, I posted about some quick fixes I had done throughout our apartment. Just brief touchups here and there to address some minor issues. One of those fixes was our closet at the end of the hall {where we store most of our handyman supplies}, and although it was organized, it still needed some attention.
First I addressed supplies. We had so many supplies and tools for painting, spackling, caulking, grouting, etc. and they were stored in odd places throughout our apartment. Some were in that box pictured in the top image above, some were in drawers, and others in our secret closet {yes, we have a secret closet}
So I ventured to Home Depot to find a solution for the handyman's supply storage problem. I found this black plastic pegboard for under $6, and a 43 piece kit for under $12. 
I grabbed 4 pieces of the pegboard to hang on the inside of the door in our hidden closet. I picked the black plastic pegboard because it was inexpensive and I was able to add and subtract the squares where necessary. Purchasing the larger slabs of pegboard ends up being a better deal, however they were too large for our door. 
Now it was time to hang up these suckers! I got out our power tools {go ahead and picture that, me with power tools. Watch out world!}. After measuring and lining everything up nicely, I started drilling and installing. 
Now time for the fun part, organizing all these pesky supplies! There is a rhyme and reason to the way some items are hung, others, it's just how they happened to fit. But, the key here is that we can see everything! 
This makes it so much easier to locate, for example, my Cleveland Browns duck tape, because this is a necessary staple in the home of any Browns fan. 
I added a few minor touches to make the space more appealing to Brit, as well. The man loves labels, and loves my new blue gingham label tape. Also, he's a sucker for anything Vineyard Vines, so I added a bit where I could and maybe it will help motivate him to use these supplies a little more ;) {note: the hammer, screwdrivers, nails, etc. all remain in our toolbox}. 
The next thing we addressed in our closet was all of our leftover paint, because this just screams chaos to me. 
Paint cans are never a pretty sight once they've been used and have dried paint all down the edges. Also, most of them were only a quarter full so I felt that having the entire can there was really just wasted space. 
Using some mason jars, we {carefully} transferred our remaining paint. I added some labels with the color and paint type. Now touchup jobs are a little less daunting, and we have so much more space on this shelf!
I definitely do not feel that this closet is "finished" with the organized makeover, but it's a start and now I feel like we have so much more space to work with!

Cost: $35 for the black pegboard and pieces
Time: 2 hours. About an hour and 45 minutes to measure, install and organize the pegboard. And about 15 minutes for us to transfer and label the paint into mason jars.

How have you organized your "handyman's supply storage"? Any advice for us moving forward? The rest of the closet is still in some serious need! 

Thanks for visiting! 


  1. This is a great idea for our kitchen area, where all our random small tools seem to end up cluttering a drawer or the kitchen table. My husband is a contractor and his large tools and supplies are in his work truck, but there's so many odds and ends in the house and now with a baby, I've definitely been more aware of certain things needing a more permanent home. Thanks for these ideas!
    Sarah @

    1. You're welcome, Sarah! Let me know how you address your small tools clutter :)


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