Friday, April 25, 2014

{cake batter} Rice Krispie Treats

Hey there all! Guess who had a birthday this week?? Mr. Brit turned the big 3-0! For his birthday this year, instead of baking him a cake, I made him a Cake Batter Rice Krispie Treat Cake {is your mouth watering yet?}. Anytime the words "Cake Batter" are attached to a recipe, I'm sold. I would eat cake mix by the spoonfuls if it was good that way, it's not though {don't ask how I know, I just know}.
Rice Krispie Treats are probably one of the easiest desserts to make, but I thought I'd just go ahead and share how I've made them a tiny bit easier and more delicious. I don't make Rice Krispie Treats in the traditional way with a saucepan and all that jazz. Why? Because I was once a starving college student living in a dorm room with only a bowl, microwave, and mini-fridge, and I wanted some Rice Krispie Treats. Using what I had, I improvised, and they were delightful!
How to easily make cake batter Rice Krispie treats: 
Place 3 Tbs of butter in a microwavable bowl. Heat for approximately 30 seconds. Check the butter to see how melted it is. It may need 15-20 more seconds depending on how cold you keep your refrigerator and how long it was set out prior to microwaving.
After butter is completely melted, swirl it around in the bowl so that all sides are coated with a little butter {this helps to prevent the mallows from sticking}.

Then add the mallows. Microwave them for 30 seconds. Check them to see how melted they are. Again, they may need a little more time depending on your microwave. But they should look slightly more puffed.
Now time for the best part, add 1 Tbs cake mix {or peanut butter, or chocolate chips, or anything else you find delicious}. Note: The cake mix can sometimes dry out the mixture, just add a little more melted butter to even it out.
Next, slowly stir in the rice Krispies. It helps to spray the utensil you use to stir with lots of cooking spray.
Add the deliciousness to a greased pan and refrigerate for about 10 minutes. I do this so that my fingers don't get too sticky when eating half the pan one small, quarter-of-a-bite sized taste. And now, enjoy the ever-loving crap out of it!
3 Tbs butter (I used unsalted Breakstone's because it's cheap, but I honestly don't think it matters}
1 10 oz bag of marshmallows {I typically buy whatever is cheapest}
6 cups Rice Krispies {or any off brand version}
1 Tbs of cake batter {optional}
Sprinkles for fun
I have seen a few recipes out there that have you add the butter and the marshmallows at the same time, then microwave for 3 minutes. I haven't tried this yet, because why fix what ain't broken, but I would be interested to hear from others who have done it this way!
For Mr. Brit's birthday, I made a "layer" cake {can I get away with calling a rice krispie treat cake a layer cake?}. I used Cocoa Krispies for the middle layer, but followed the exact same recipe above. To get the shape I used our CorningWare {I promise, at least one of these has seen the oven, but they're perfect for this too!}.
Like a Bundt cake, I just flipped the dish over onto a plate. But I didn't have to wait longer than a few seconds for the "cake" to drop. If it's not dropping out right away, just use a knife around the edges and it should fall straight out {make sure you really spray the dish before loading it with goodness}.
I add sprinkles to any cake batter Rice Krispie Treats I make so that people know there's a little something special inside. I also added some Cadbury Mini Eggs, because, I mean, do I need a reason??

What to do with the leftovers:
I had about half a pan's worth of extra Cocoa Krispie mix. So I added some chocolate and peanut butter chips to the top, and nuked 'em for about 15 seconds to melt the chips to the krispies. The results were just lovely!
There are so many variations of Rice Krispie Treats out there and so many ways to make them even more amazing. I've also used strawberry marshmallows, so good and they're probably healthier {or at least we can tell ourselves that}. What sorts of special ingredients do you add to your treats to make them extra exciting? Do you have any unique tricks for making your treats terrific? Feel free to share!

I realize this week wasn't exactly organizing but hopefully you find some enjoyment in making a treat or two this weekend!
Cost: Treats = $6 for ingredients used. Cake = $12. I always keep a container of cake mix in the house, as every good wife-to-be should, so that is not included in the total.
Time: Treats = 10 minutes, max. Without the cooling time. Cake = 25 minutes. Yea, not many cakes can be ready that fast!

Thanks for visiting! 

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