Friday, May 2, 2014

Outdoor Party Bucket with Table

This past weekend I was able to spend some time in the Buckeye state with my family, sans Brit. It was the original 6 together again, and it was the last time we would all be together while my last name is still Sliger {22 days you guys}. It was a wonderful weekend with gorgeous sunshine. We spent most of the afternoon outside, soaking up some rays, enjoying a drink or two, and some quality family time. 

About every 2 minutes, though, there was an interruption in the relaxation from one of us asking, "Mom, can you get me another drink?, "Mom, can you grab this?", "Mom, can you bring me that?"{for those mothers out there, you are all saints. And it never ends.} We're all adults in my family now, but for some reason, once we walk back into my parent's house, we can no longer function independently and divert right back to about age 5. My mother, saint that she is, claims that she loves it and loves having all of her "kidlets" around, but I can't imagine that she would rather be up and down at our beckon call, than relaxing on a lounge chair with all of us. 

So while browsing through some Pinterest inspiration, I stumbled upon this amazing find and fell in love. I mean what a great idea, cooler and table in one, brilliant! This little lovely could definitely save a trip or two back into the house. But, umm $300? No. Not gonna happen. 
While we were out picking up some last minutes decorations for the wedding, I saw this tray and bucket at Hobby Lobby for 40% off {thank you summer sale!}. Let's just say the wheels started turning and I later picked up the two trash bins at a local supermarket. It was time to recreate this Pottery Barn inspiration at a much lower price!
Why trash bins, you ask? Well, that actually took a bit of thought and some wandering down the aisles of Meijer supermarket at 9pm with my aunt {I needed the extra creative brainpower}. We had several different ideas during our stroll through the garden section, then looked at a few tall candle sticks, but it was all too expensive or would not support the tray in a true table manner. So, trash bins it was! Plus the colors were so bright and cheery, I just couldn't say no.
I glued each piece together with some superglue, and I was finished. Can you believe that? It seriously was that easy! After finding the supplies, it was only a matter of waiting for glue to dry, and then waiting for the sun to rise the next day, before the outdoor bucket and table were loaded up with ice, drinks, and some fabulous sunshine. 
Despite how it appears here, the bottom bucket can hold about 12 drinks. Not too shabby for a little backyard bucket.
Don't mind that shredded dog toy in the picture below. After all, what is a backyard without a happy dog playing in it? 
I absolutely love this little number, the colors and the functionality just make me smile. Not only that, it definitely did not cost $300! And now we can all relax outside together, that is until someone gets hungry.

Cost: $45 - tray $9, bucket $13, trash bins $10 each. Still a little more than I would have liked to spend, but I really cannot complain about the end result.
Time: 5 minutes of action, 1.5 hours of dry time (30 minutes per application).

Has spring inspired you to be creative with your outdoor space? What have you done to save a trip or two back in the house?

Thanks for visiting! 


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