Friday, June 5, 2015

Buy, Sell, Retire

Hi guys! Can we just talk about the last few months for a second? Whew, things have been so crazy. So many big life changes going on in our little home. Today marks my last day at my job {finally}. Although it has seriously dragged on, I am still very sad to be leaving and ending this chapter of my life. But onto the next! 

I've been dying to share all of the apartment and house hunting news with you guys, but if you've ever been in the buying and selling position before, then you are all too familiar with this waiting game that takes place. It is my least favorite game in the universe. However, we are now able to say with 98% confidence we have sold our apartment and have a house!

Cue explosion of confetti and music.

It all happened so fast, while still taking forever. We accepted an offer on our apartment just a little more than a week after listing. The market is hot right now, and let's just say the NYC real estate market is not quite the same as where I grew up in Ohio. About a week after we accepted our offer, we put an offer down on a house in Connecticut and it was accepted {after a little negotiation}. After a bunch of back and forth we are able to say, this is our new house! 
Our new digs
Of course anything could happen between now and the actual close date {which we don't officially have yet}, but so far everything seems to be moving in the right direction. 

With that being said, I don't actually have much of an organizing post for you all today. In fact, I don't have anything. We've been super busy and I've been basically putting everything off until my retirement, which will start on Monday. Doesn't retirement have such a better ring to it than unemployment? 

So that's it for this week guys. Sorry I don't have more to give you, but starting next week I'll have all the time in the world to focus on organizing and posting, so get ready! 

Thanks for visiting!


  1. Hello Stefanie!
    I haven't been in the blogging world for a while, and have obviously missed a lot! Congrats on this new season in your lives!! Looking forward to all your posts during "retirement"! :)


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