Friday, September 2, 2016

Family Vacation with Beachmate

Hey all! Ok, moms, dads, grandparents, babysitters, I'm talking to you today! I know it's the end of the summer but please hear me out on this product. I am not one to push products I don't believe in, like ever, hopefully if you've been reading a while you've picked up on this, but this little Beachmate is an organized-beachgoers dream. Imagine going to the beach and only carrying ONE bag. Stop laughing, I'm serious. 
We took our annual vacation to South Carolina a couple weeks ago and this picture above is us packed up and heading to the beach. Beachmate, baby, and some serious SPF and that's it. So let me just explain this crazy amazing thing. 

The Beachmate consists of one large bucket, two small square buckets, two medium rectangular buckets, two shovels, and one cooler all wrapped up in a tote with 4 pockets for additional storage. 
Each item stacks perfectly inside the large bucket to make it easy to carry everything all in one. We filled the tote pockets with sunscreen, diapers, wipes, and a couple small baby toys.
Beachmate also sells wet/dry bags to easily store valuable items such as camera, cell phone, wallet and keys so you don't have to worry about them getting damp or sandy.
You may have thought I got over the whole monogram thing now that I've been married for two years, but you guys I still love it and Beachmate offers a personalization option. So obviously, we did.
While on the beach everyday, the Beachmate was perfect. All three kids loved to play with the buckets, and durable shovels {how many of you have had to bite your tongue when one of those small cheap shovels snaps in your hand the second you start digging? No more, these shovels are large, strong, and won't cause you to break your back bending over so far}. 
The large bucket was also wonderful for entertaining the smaller children {and containing them}. LBJ had a tiny, heart-stopping habit of crawling straight into the water and not stopping. He really liked the waves, so we would fill the large bucket with water and plop him right at the water's edge. He loved to sit and splash and watch the waves roll in. 
Even my nonstop, 18-month-old niece enjoyed sitting and playing in the large bucket. 
The small and medium buckets have grooves and indentations making them perfect for building sandcastles {as well as being flipped upside-down to create an elevated cupholder, genius}. Although the kids aren't really at sandcastle building age yet, they loved to fill the buckets with water and sand and just explore. 
Or they can be used as a purse, as my niece promptly donned it. 
The cooler is also the perfect size for snacks and beverages for our family. We could fit LBJ's needs as well as a few adult drinks and large water nicely. 
Yes, we drink Bud Light. Don't judge. 
As we were packing up to leave the beach each day, family would offer to help us carry things and get to our car. It was awesome to be able to say, "no thanks, we got this. We just have to carry the Beachmate". We would pack up the buckets with our towels, hats, and beach blanket, then go on our marry way. The Beachmate also has two velcro straps, which we used to hold rolled towels, but they can be attached to a beach chair as well. Giving you HANDSFREE travel to and from the beach. Can you even imagine such a thing? 
It was such a fun and successful vacation. I'll be honest, I was a little nervous what trips to the beach would look like with a child, and what added stresses it would bring. With only one thing to carry, this year was the easiest year for us getting to and from the beach.
Although we used it daily for our beach vacation, we also use it regularly in our backyard. I just fill the large bucket with water and we're able to stay cool and entertained right at home! 
Ok, so now that you know how great it is, go get your own! Your kids will thank you. And you will thank yourself when you're able to throw away all of those cheap buckets and shovels and never have to buy another one again. They are offering free shipping for Labor Day Weekend, just use code FREESHIP

Thanks for visiting!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a great Christmas gift for all the little ones in our family! Thanks for sharing!!


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