Thursday, July 28, 2016

Home Tour: One Year Later {part 2}

Wow, you guys. You really know how to brighten someone's day. I mean, I seriously debated for so long whether or not to share a home update because I really just felt like who the heck cares what our house looks like one year later. But you all have been so nice and I guess what I'm trying to say is thank you! :) You made my day, week, month and year {seriously!}. 

One tiny little bitty piece of information I forgot to share last week that I think is just so super duper cool. Our house, our clearly a colonial style house, used to be a cape. 

Our house now...
The original house
Yes. That is our house. And this is it two owners ago.  
Previous owners
Can you even believe it?! We actually got to meet the family who lived here two owners ago {before it was gutted and updated}, and they were able to share these photos with us. I just thought this was so awesome and had to share it will you guys. Funny thing is, when house hunting I kept telling Brit I really wanted a cape style house. And now here we have one, just masked in a colonial. 

Anyway, back to the home tour. I should warn you guys, our upstairs is far less finished than our downstairs. 
Bedroom 1: The Nursery
LBJ's nursery was the first room we focused on upstairs. The kid had a bed before we did and he wasn't even born yet. 
I shared his room previously, so here are some shots of his space from that post. 
Ok, little update on this room. It's actually changed a lot in the last month or so. Our little man is a bit of a vampire and hates light. At least when trying to sleep. So, thanks to Brit, this is what our adorably decorated little nursery looks like now. 
LBJ is of course blurry because for him to be focused he would have to stop moving, which he never does. 
Other than the glider, we have also added a dark navy fitted sheet draping eloquently over the side window, and large, reflective pieces of foil taped nicely over the other two windows. Isn't it lovely? Although I totally hate the lack of natural light this room has now, I totally love a baby who sleeps happily. So, win some, lose some. 

Bedroom 2: Guest Room
The second room to come together was our guest room, again, not the master. The bedroom isn't very large at all and barely fits the full bed we have in there. To see the official guest room reveal, click here!
The room was already painted blue, which I loved, so we actually didn't do anything in here except add shelves. I found the antique trunk at a tag sale {northeastern version of a garage sale} and was able to get it for only $35! I know I bragged about this steal before, but I am just so obsessed with it. 
All of the frames used to be black, but after adding some paint and stripes they really bring the room together.
I shared how I created this welcoming sign here. It still makes me giggle when I see it.

Bedroom 3: Guest Room
This room quickly came together by putting up random artwork I had done, and really didn't love {except the crayon art, I still really love that one}, and a quick run to Home Goods. 
I picked up the pillows, bench seat, and small baskets for this room and then it was finished.
The curtains were originally purchased for LBJ's room however they were too overwhelming in there. I actually really like the softness they bring to this space.
To be honest, this room still makes me feel a little blah. I think because the walls are a pale pink and I'm trying to decorate it with red. I'd paint it but part of me is holding off because what if LBJ has a little sister some day... This could be her sweet little pink princess room with ruffles and bows and... {yes, I'm crazy}...{or am I?}

It's not the largest bathroom but it's definitely not the smallest. I have faith that we can make this bathroom work no matter how many children we add to our family. The previous owners had FOUR GIRLS and they all shared this bathroom. Given, they did choose to move into a larger space; they still made it work for over a decade.
Had to take a panoramic picture to actually capture the space, that's why it appears bigger than it is.  
Ok, get ready for disappointment city. Our master bedroom is still a serious work in progress, although neither of us is really working on it. We haven't really done a thing except purchase a bed and paint. When we moved in we slept on a camping blow up mattress before we finally got a new mattress.
About three months later we purchased a bed. Let me just tell you, sleeping on a mattress on the floor while pregnant was not my favorite thing.
We painted this room the same color as the Front room, but it could probably use another coat. We have mismatched bedside tables because Brit is in the process of sanding down and painting our old ones. He did the same for our old dresser and we love the way it looks, however the color just doesn't fit well next to the curtains. So we're going to change them to white, someday. 
See the dresser "before" in this post. If we're successful, maybe I'll share a full "how to". Big "IF" there though.
We have plans to put up some photos and artwork. Maybe purchase a chair or settee for Brit's side of the room. Remove the bookcases {from our old office and just didn't know where else to put them}. And reinstall the curtain rods, because they are falling out of the wall, and put the finials back up. Like I said, this room is still a work in progress.

Master Bath Our bathroom, however, is seriously a dream. I just want to let you all know I have never, not once, taken this room for granted. It is a palace of a bathroom to me and I cannot believe it's real. The bathroom in our apartment was about the size of our shower, seriously, so this is heaven.  
The best, most wonderful, most important part of this entire room: two sinks. This is a marriage saving feature. Brit said early on, you worry about yours, and I'll worry about mine. YEESSS!!! Gone are the days of me scraping old, dried toothpaste from the shared sink, at least until LBJ starts brushing.

Master Closet
The closet is an organizer's dream. 
We're able to store all of our clothes for all seasons in this space. Now the only clothes that are boxed up are maternity clothes {although some days it's quite tempting to unpack those and just wear elastic waistband jeans again}. 
I added a little jewelry storage behind the closet door. It's hidden so it doesn't make the closet look cluttered, and each necklace is easy to see and grab. I just need to find an occasion to wear necklaces again without fearing that LBJ will promptly rip them from me neck {details, details}
LBJ loves the necklaces dangling down as well. He seriously crawls straight for them when he's in our closet. 
That is until he gets distracted by his own cuteness.  
And I think that's a perfect place to end. 

Not quite as thrilling as the first floor, but it's coming along. Aside from LBJ's room, the Blue Guest Room is my favorite. There's just something about it that makes me want to cozy up in the blankets with a cup of coffee and stare out the window.  

So what do you guys think, paint the pale pink room or hold out for a baby girl in the house? {or two, or three...}

{check out part I here!}

Thanks for visiting!


  1. I'm just in love with your interior designing skills! You can definitely make the small bathroom work, we have one about the same size and I've been in the house since I was born so 6 of us have managed to share tiny bathroom for almost 18 years. I really love the dresser colours and LBJs room is adorable even with the tin foil windows, although if you want to look for alternatives you can get blackout blinds, they come in different colours, I have one for my room because like LBJ I hate the light when I'm trying to sleep 😂 once they're closed its really nice and dark. I also love how you've kept the red and blue theme going in the guest rooms and bathrooms as well as LBJs room it looks really cool and I think its a really nice way to tie the rooms together :)

    1. Hi Shannon! Thank you SOO much for your kind words!! You know the sad thing about LBJ's windows, he has blackout blinds under the foil!! However light sneaks through the sides and I guess it's just enough to keep him awake. He probably gets it from me. I sleep with a sleep mask every night because I hate the light too haha :) :) Glad to know I'm not the only one! Thank you so much for commenting and for reading! :)

      xo Stef


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