Friday, July 22, 2016

Home Tour: One Year Later {part 1}

Can you believe it? It's been one year since we picked up and left NYC and moved out to the 'burbs. I can't believe how fast the time has gone, yet I still feeling like we were in the city a lifetime ago. I figured now was as good a time as any to share an update on our house. Luckily, we didn't have to change too much when we moved in, a little paint here and there but that's really it. So the pictures won't be super dramatic, they will be more like an empty room transitioned to a furnished room {mind blowing stuff here guys}. 
I'll take you through in the same way I did the last time. And in order to not overwhelm this post with photos, I'm going to share the first floor today, and the second floor next week. 
Welcome to one of the tiniest entryways on the planet. It is so itty bitty, but I absolutely love it. This little nook just makes me happy. 
The picture on the table was a first anniversary gift from Brit. I love that it's one of the first things to see when walking into our home. I was able to find the little table that fits perfectly from Home Goods. 
Front Room 
The front room is by far my favorite room in the entire house. We still have a little bit to finish in this room, i.e. curtains, additional lighting, but I seriously love, love, love this space. 
Every piece in this room is new to our home {except the console table on the back wall}. At times I sit in here and develop a tiny panic that nothing actually goes together and there are too many patterns, shades of blue, and that navy and black really is still against the rules. But it's too late now, right? 
I really do love every piece so that helps me overcome my panic. 
The artwork above the settee was made by my little brother. It's a map of Manhattan carved into wood. The level of detail on that piece is so incredible. He actually made us a few more pieces that we have hung throughout the home. We are SO lucky to have such a talented artist in the family, and it makes for a great talking point. 
The little blue chairs, let me tell you, make me so happy. I actually found those in a small shop in Ohio, quickly decided they should be in our home {before we even moved in}, and swooped them up. About two months later I saw the exact same chairs for sale on a flash sale site for double what I paid. You guys, this is why Ohio has my heart. Great people, great places, and great prices. 
Living Room
The living room is just off to the front room. I've shared this room before, and really nothing has changed. We've added a lamp and a changing table {woo-hoo!} and lots of child proofing. 
Little tidbit of advice for those of you getting ready to move, if the previous owners offer you a TV that is in their custom built cabinets, take it. No matter how much they're charging, just take it. Brit and I will admit we messed up there a bit. The previous owners offered to sell us a few random items that they were not planning to take to their next house, the TV for this room being one of them. We felt that they were asking a bit much for an old TV so we declined, then spent weeks trying to find a TV that would fit these exact measurements. We ended up paying even more and dealt with some serious stress when trying to hang it. All in all, not worth it. 
We have started to muddy up our mudroom, and I'm sure it will only get worse as LBJ grows up. 
I added a small basket to toss dirty hand towels and whatever LBJ dirties while downstairs since his hamper is upstairs. We have some laundry room cheat sheets framed on the counter as well. I had intended on them being more for decoration actually but I've referred to them numerous times so far. Here is a link to them if you want to print your own, Stain Removal GuideLaundry Guide.
The hooks have quickly filled up this summer with pool, beach, and outdoor necessities. 
Nothing changed in the kitchen except for adding stools and all of our stuff. 
The monogrammed carving board on the back wall was a gift from our realtor. The latitude and longitude coordinates for our town are carved into the back. It's seriously an amazing gift, hence why it's on display and will likely never be used. 

Dining Room
Through the kitchen is our dining room, possibly my second favorite room.
I am so in love with the paint color in this room. It was the first room we painted and then based the rest of the house from this color.
Another carved map from my brother, this one is of the island where we got engaged and married
The table was purchased from the same town in Ohio where we got the chairs. We had it custom made from reclaimed barn wood. It brings me such joy.
I'm still in search of the perfect buffet table for this room. It's not a large space so finding the right piece has been a bit of a challenge.
The minibar is a serious downgrade, or upgrade, from the bar in our apartment {God rest her soul}.

The office is still just as green. Unfortunately, we haven't gotten around to painting the bookcases, trim and windows white yet. Hopefully before the year's end. 
The room is less of an office and more of a playroom right now. It's actually been super convenient because I can work, or at least attempt to work, while LBJ plays.
I am hating the pictures on the wall right now, but my plan is to address is again when we paint. Even more motivation to paint sooner!
The desk space has been interesting. We added shelves on the wall to hold things like the lamp and my laptop. We have a large monitor I hook my computer up to and having it all on the desk was taking up too much space. It's still a work in progress but at least it's functional for now.

So, what do you all think of the green room? Keep it green, or add some white? Or, change the color completely? {no green office? I don't think I could work in such conditions}.

Stay tuned for the rest of the tour next week!

{check out part II here!}

Thanks for visiting!


  1. Great job on every single room. Enjoyed the tour.

    1. Thank you so much Donna! And thank you for reading :) :)


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