Friday, January 8, 2016

Realistic Readers: Organized Family "Daily Door" and "Busy Boxes"

Hey all! While I'm off spending some serious quality time with our sweet baby James, I thought it would be fun to share a little inspiration from some fellow readers. Every now and then someone sends me something they've organized or created and I just sit in awe. You all motivate me so much! So I thought I would share some ideas that you've shared with me {or that I've politely begged you to share}. I hope you're just as inspired as I am by the projects created by "Realistic Readers". 
Today I am so excited to share with you two organized spaces created by Dorothy. The first is her family's Daily Door.
I love this idea so much! It's such a great way to incorporate education and creativity into the everyday. Dorothy, mother of three, created this door using items mainly purchased at Target's Dollar Spot {where everything is typically under $5!}. To add a little personal touch {one of my favorite things to do}, her family keeps their collection of magnets purchased on every vacation on the door as well. They're reminded of fun family memories each time they look at the door.  

Dorothy also shared her "busy boxes". In addition to the cleaver title, I love the organization of these categories of play. Again, Dorothy was able to purchase these items from Target. Her children choose from the boxes for their daily activities, then they're stored away in the hutch next to their dining table. What a great way to keep things organized, and an easy way to clean up!  

Thank you so much to Dorothy for sharing!
Do you have a project you want to share? It can be something small and simple or a huge project you've been working on. Email me at to submit your Realistic Reader story and help inspire others!

Thanks for visiting!

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