Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Share Your Stories

Hello! This is not really a post as much as a request. Since we are expecting our little guy to come any day now, I will be taking some time off from blogging when he gets here. However, I had a crazy idea that involves some of my favorite people, YOU!! 

You all are always so supportive and inspiring. I absolutely love it when you send me organizing projects you have tackled or DIY tricks you have tried. Instead of just keeping all of your brilliance to myself, I thought it would be fun to share it with all readers. 
So, if you've organized a space, or DIY'd something, I don't care if it was last week or in the last decade, share it! I wrote out some sample questions to consider including, but they're not required. You can share more or less than what is asked below, they're just guides really. 
  • What space did you organize, or what item did you DIY? 
  • What inspired you to do it? 
  • How did you do it? {did you purge, donate, etc.? Or, what supplies did you use?}
  • Has it reduced stress? 
  • How has it held up? 
  • What is your favorite part about the space? 
  • What was your favorite part about creating the new space or item? 
Feel free to share more than one story, as well! Pictures are always enjoyed, but don't worry if you don't have before and after pictures. Seeing an organized space after is sometimes all we need to get motivated. 

Send your stories and pictures, or links to a blog post if you're a blogger, to If you want to be kept anonymous that's completely fine, just let me know. I cannot wait to see what you all share!!

After Baby Jones arrives, I'll start sharing what was shared with me. Also note, if no one shares anything, well, then there will be no posts. So it's really all up to you guys! As always, thank you for reading and supporting this blog. You all are rock stars! 
Thanks for visiting!

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