Friday, November 6, 2015

Baby Jones is almost here!

Can you all believe it's almost time? I mean, beside the fact that it's already November, our little guy is making his debut soon! It's been a while since I've updated you all, like since before I really "bumped" and trust me, there is a significant bump going on now. It's actually more of a mound. 

Nonetheless, I thought I'd share some pictures of the belly growth, the baby shower, as well as invite you all to engage in a little baby pool {no, not swim in a small puddle of water enclosed in inflatable plastic. Scroll down to see more}. So prepare yourself for some serious photo overload. 

The Shower
I actually had two showers, one in Connecticut and one in Ohio. Both with an adorable nautical theme. I only have a few pictures from the shower in Ohio, which I'll share when I show you all the finished nursery. You'll see why when that time comes. Anyway, these photos were all taken from the shower two weeks ago.  
In addition to the nautical theme, my mother and sister-in-law {the hosts} set up a little onsie decorating table. My friends took this decorating very seriously and I ended up with some amazing onsies. 

Belly Growth
The last time I shared any bump photos with you I thought I was starting to show. HA! Then week 25 came along and I really found out what showing looked like. Just look at the difference between weeks 24 and 25! And it's basically been nonstop growth since then. {Please disregard the fact that I'm in pajama shorts for week 25}
Simon and I had our own little photo shoot this week as well, so I thought I'd share a few favorites. These were taken at 37 weeks, just 3 more to go {hopefully}!!
Baby Pool 
Now for the baby pool I teased you with. We have a little baby pool going on to see who can guess the date, weight, and length of our little guy. The person who guesses correctly, or at least the closets, wins! 
Wins what, you ask? Well other than some serious bragging rights, I have put together a little gift basket of my favorite things, organizing related. Think Oprah's Favorite Things, but on a much, much smaller scale. I don't want to ruin the surprise so I'm not going to share everything packed in, but just know it's worth a couple clicks to place a bet. Place your bets here! 

Just so you're not going in blind, I'll share a few details with you. 

We're not sure how long Brit was when he was born, but he's over 6 feet now if that helps. We found out on the 2nd that our little guy had completely dropped {this it total pregnancy/mom lingo for he's getting ready. It's like he's at the starting block but hasn't set himself yet}. 

There is apparently an old wive's tale that your baby will come 5 months after you have felt the first real kick, not little flutter. I don't remember exactly when I did, but Brit felt him kick on June 20th for the first time. Eerily, 5 months later is one day before my due date. Also, people say the moon's gravitational pull puts women into labor, so the next full moon is on the 25th. 
Good luck everyone! And just in case you didn't see it enough in the baby shower pictures, we have decided on a name for our little guy. He'll be named after my father and Brit's father. 

James Alan Jones 
Thanks for visiting!

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