Thursday, October 1, 2015

My Personal Emergency Kit

So imagine this, you're in a cab on your way to your somewhat monthly Costco trip and a button on your shirt pops off. And not just any button, THE button that prevents you from being completely indecent in public. What do you do? You're already half way to the store, you're paying for the cab, every minute counts so you don't want to turn back, but you can't walk through Costco showcasing your latest Victoria's Secret purchase {the samples are already free, and this isn't Wal-Mart}. 

I carry around a little pouch in my purse that I call my emergency kit. It started as a Shemergency Kit about 6 years ago, however I've used up just about everything that was provided and instead of ordering more inserts, I've just personalized it for my needs a little bit more. 
What in my kit? So happy you asked...
That little pouch holds the following: 

  • Lint brush
  • Static remover
  • Hair spray
  • Band-Aids
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Blotting tissues
  • Toothpicks
  • Blistex
  • Clear nail polish
  • Fresh breath drops
  • Shoe shine towelettes
  • Shout wipes
  • Double sided tape
  • Needle, thread, button
  • Nail file
  • Ibuprofen
  • Hand lotion
  • Vitamin C
Also in my bag, you can typically find these additional emergency items: 
I'm a First Aid/CPR instructor so carrying a mask and gloves is just something I feel like I need to do {thank goodness I've never had to use them}. The last little container is an old contacts case that I fill with hair pins and elastics. 
These are all items that I find I frequently go to grab or am happy I just have on hand. The pouch takes up very little space in my purse and is easily transferable from one bag to the next. 
It is definitely worn and appears a little dirty, but it's held up for this long and is the perfect size. It even has a little extra room if I feel the need to toss in added items, like a comb or gum.
So, what happened in the cab on our way to Costco? I was able to reach into my kit and sew a button back on the shirt, just in the nick of time! 

What items do you keep in your purse or bag for emergencies? Do you find yourself constantly needing something while you're out and wishing you kept it in your bag? 
Thanks for visiting!

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