Friday, August 28, 2015

Grocery List for a Non-Magnetic Fridge

I'm still a big fan of writing down my grocery list. I've tried putting grocery lists into my phone using great grocery list apps, or any other to-do app, but I always end up leaving something off the list that I really needed and having to go back to the store. I found that I need to have a list posted somewhere in the kitchen, preferably near the refrigerator. 
In our apartment, I had a list posted on our refrigerator or on the magnetic boards that were right next to it. Once we ran out of something, I could easily jot it down for the next grocery run. Well, in our new house, the fridge is not magnetic! I mean, I know this is definitely a first world problem and that most new refrigerator doors are not magnetic anymore, I just wasn't prepared for this new twist in life. 

Ok minor grievances aside, I wanted to find a way to easily keep track of a grocery list without cluttering up our new kitchen. And I needed to do it without relying on magnets. 
{I spy with my little eye, clutter forming in the right corner}
I did a little research on dry erase markers and boards, however I couldn't find a board of the right size or for the right price. However, I did learn that dry erase markers can also work on picture frames, even the plastic ones. 

I picked up two of these frames from Ikea for $2.99 and decided to give it a shot {there are smaller sizes for even cheaper}. I didn't 100% believe the internet world that the markers would work, but low and behold, they did!! 
Originally, I was looking for something clear, or something that would blend in easily with the fridge. I changed my mind though, and decided to put a copy of the grocery list we use in the frame. With the second frame, I made another list for our Costco runs. We don't go to Costco as often however we typically establish quite a list when we do. I edited our grocery list so we could apply it to Costco purchases.  
Click to get free printables of the new grocery list and Costco list
I updated the list slightly to work better in it's new position, and to match the new grocery store we go to {I like to have my list in order of the layout of the store}. I removed the checkboxes from the original list because I honestly never used them. I refer to lists when I'm in the store, but taking the time to mark or check things off is not typically something I'm willing to do. 

Now, I've married the concept of using an app list and a paper list. I just snap a photo of our list and delete the photo once we leave the store. I love this because it means I don't have random crumples of paper in my purse as well. 
To hang the lists {without magnets}, I used a small Command hook. Are you surprised? I popped off the back stand for the frame, which is super easy, then fed some twine through. I tied a knot and hung it from the hook. 
Despite the wordiness of this post, this was so easy and cheap, and exactly what we needed. I love that we're not wasting paper and that it is still so convenient to use without having to be magnetic. 
How do you keep a grocery list? Is your fridge magnetic; have you come up with alternative ways to post things in your kitchen? 

Thanks for visiting!

1 comment:

  1. Can look at my blog and see prices, and nutritional facts of healthy, low fat food at different grocery stores.


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