Friday, August 21, 2015

Coupon Purse: Minimal Size, Maximum Savings

Moving is expensive. Aside from the understood costs of realtor fees, lawyer fees, and just fees for living and breathing in a new state, there are the additional costs of trying to furnish a new home. We have been trying to take advantage of any savings opportunity possible. And when you move, somehow every housewares store in the land gets word and starts filling your mailbox. 
Anytime we would get a coupon or discount promotion we like, I stuffed it in my purse so we would have it on hand. However, my purse was getting super disorganized with random coupons. Inevitably, we would arrive at a store and I would realize that's the one coupon I did not put in my purse. I don't like feeling disorganized and I don't like paying full price. 

Also, I don't like carrying around bulky items. This is my wallet. 
As you can see, it doesn't leave much room for coupons or promotional cards. I like that, however I needed to store these items somewhere. 

After going through our donation items a couple weeks ago, I picked up an old change purse that was the perfect size for my needs {yes, I pulled something out of our donation pile, but it was for a good cause! No judgement}. Similar ones can be found here.
I filled it with folded up coupons, promotional cards, as well as some specific  store cards I have {i.e. Angel card, Costco card}. These are cards that I definitely do not need in my wallet on a daily basis, however I do want to have on me when making my way into their particular store. 
On the small zipper, I was able to attach our key ring cards for Walgreens, Stop and Shop, and Kroger. Key rings are another place I prefer to keep as minimal as possible. 

Because the change purse, aka coupon purse, is so small, I don't feel burdened keeping it in my bag everyday. Whenever I'm in line at a store, I quickly scan through it to see if I have any coupons or discounts I can apply to my purchase. 

Frequently scanning through the contents also acts as a reminder for what discounts I have and which ones are expiring soon. I try to keep them in order by expiration date. 

Another little trick I've started doing, if the line is long enough, is going on my phone and visiting the store's website. On multiple occasions I have been able to pick up an additional 10-20% off by finding a random coupon on their website. And I was able to do it without having them flood my mailbox or inbox. Win-Win. 
What do you do to save when you shop? Is that an oxymoron? How do you keep your bag organized? 

Thanks for visiting!

1 comment:

  1. Great idea. Love the keyring on the coupon purse rather than on your car keys.


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