Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Show Us Your Workspace | WeWork

Hey all! No, it's not Friday yet. I'm posting two posts this week! Don't get too used to it though. This is a unique week for me. 

Last week I was asked by a company in NYC called WeWorka co-working company that builds communities to empower people to do what they love, to participate in a campaign they're running called "Show Us Your Workspace". Amazing, right? I mean, I know that there are people out there that read my blog, but I guess I just always envisioned it being my mom repeatedly clicking on my link so that I wouldn't ever feel bad {there is still a very good chance this is the case}. Nonetheless, I was more than happy to share my workspace with all of you! I've introduced a few pieces in this space to you in the past but today you'll get to see all of it and understand why this space makes me so happy. 

So without further ado, here is my workspace! 
There are so many things I love about our office/ guest room/ green room {yes, we use all of these different ways to describe this room}. For starters, I love the color, hence the "green room" title. In NYC the color green is not something to take for granted so I pulled that color into our office, added some yellows and blues, and fell in love. 
The office is filled with little projects I've completed here and there, some I've shared, and some I will be sharing later this week. Being able to add my own, personal touch is something that makes this space so much more meaningful to me. 

The majority of office supplies I use are just an arms length away from the desk, hanging off the side of our Ikea bookshelf. I posted about this set up earlier this year. Displaying the supplies with all of their bright colors just makes me smile and motivates me to get to work. 
Stored on one of the shelves is another project I've shared with you in the past, my repurposed cosmetic organizerSome of the supplies within it have changed since I last shared, but it is still happily serving its purpose. 
On the second shelf I have several magazines and books I resort to now and then for inspiration. The boxes simply hold items such as craft supplies, a label maker, and bunches of 3M adhesive hooks. 
The top of the bookcase has another project, which I'll tell you all about on Friday :) but in short, the shadow box contains a few flowers from my bouquet on our wedding day. 
This bookshelf has a brother on the other side of our sleeper sofa, where we keep books, important documents, and some stationary. 
The pieces pictured on the right are just two more projects I'll tell you all about on Friday.

On the opposite wall there is a very tiny space just between the closet and the entrance to the kitchen. On display here is one of my very first DIY projects in this apartment {pre-blog}, but I'll tell you more on Friday.  
This simple project adds so much more color and cheer, and was ridiculously easy to do! If you haven't noticed, I love adding color into this space and this crayon art does just that. 
Now, onto the space where the work gets done. The desk space. 
On the desk, we have a few photos from a trip to London, our holiday party, and an impromptu visit to the Brooklyn bridge. Additionally, our eclectic Chrysler building lantern claims the corner to the left, and a keepsake from our honeymoon to the right. All of these things constantly bring a smile to my face and make the desk an enjoyable space for me to work. 
To the right of the desk there are a few pieces of cork used to collect inspiration {as you can see, I'm lacking a little in this area right now}. Just beyond is a shelf holding the monogrammed photo I created and talked about here
The view from the couch, where sometimes Brit or I will retreat to get some work done when the other is hogging the desk. 
WeWork also asked what I would add to create an "ultimate dream" space. This was difficult to answer since I really love every bit of this space. It's probably my favorite room in our apartment. However, if space allowed, I would add a large drafting table for a place to do all my projects and craft work. But alas, no space now. So until then, I'll just enjoy every bit of our comfy office/ guest room/ green room. 
Stay tuned for Friday, when I tell you all about how some of those little projects came together to make this space my happy place. 

A big thank you to WeWork for encouraging me to write this post and share my space. 
***WeWork asked me to write this post as part of their Show Us Your Workspace campaign. This post was not sponsored by WeWork and no payment was involved.  

Thanks for visiting!

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