Friday, March 28, 2014

Collapsible Measuring Cup Magic

I am so stupidly excited about what I'm sharing with you all today. I just want to start by saying, this is all my opinion. I am in no way being paid, threatened, or begged to say any of this. I just really, really, really love this product. I know, enough already, I'll tell you what it is... Collapsible measuring cups.
Ok, you can stop laughing at me and judging me for getting excited about such silly things, but guys, this is what thrills me. Let me show you why.

This is where we stored our measuring cups and spoons previously. The set up wasn't terrible, but it definitely did not make me happy. The thing I hated most about it, if the cups weren't placed back exactly like they are shown here, the drawer wouldn't close. That drove me nuts!
Does this happen with anyone else's measuring cups? I mean, why has it taken so long for collapsible cups to be a thing? Or have they always existed and I'm just really far behind on this one {I would not be surprised if that were the case}.

So we found these Progressive products on {a flash sale website}. We had actually registered for them for our wedding, but when we saw them on serious sale I couldn't say no. It would be rude right? Asking an invited guest to pay full price for something when we could get it on super sale is just wrong.
If you are looking for space saving kitchen gadgets, has a ton of stuff I'm sure you'll love. It is like an organizer's dream. Now you may not get as excited as I do, but that's probably for the best. Also listed on their website is all of the locations where you can buy their products. Here's a view of the 1/2 cup comparison. 
Look at that space saving magic!
All of those big bulky, and dull colored, measuring cups in the back have been happily replaced by this lovely, bright stack of goodness.

One thing I haven't mentioned, because I was completely unaware until a few hours ago, they sell magnetic cups too. I probably should limit the amount of magnetized items in our kitchen though, I feel like our spice rack is about as much as I can take right now. But, pretty handy right?
{image pulled from ProgressiveIntl}
The measuring spoons that came with the set are not collapsible, however, they are rubbery and remain nicely stacked every time we open and close the drawers. Those pesky measuring spoons in the background couldn't even stay stacked for this mini photo shoot!
The green and white guy in the forefront is equally amazing. It is from a company called Trudeau. We got ours at a small gift shop, but they can also be found all over the web, including on Amazon, here.

This little guy is a 4-in-1 reversible measuring spoon. So on one side it's 1 teaspoon and 1 tablespoon. Flip it over and pop the bowl of the spoon, and it's 1/2 teaspoon and 1/2 tablespoon. An incredible space saving device!
Obviously, I'm a little over the moon about this one. Maybe too much so. But If you've ever experienced the frustration of measuring cups and spoons in a shallow drawer, I'm sure you understand. 

While this organizing project didn't require a whole lot on my part, it is by far one of my favorites. You can find collapsible products at places like Khol's and Target too. Those are not as easily accessible in NYC as getting things online, though. 

Cost: Just under $15! About $9 for the set {remember, this was on a flash sale website}, and $3.50 for the reversible measuring spoon. 
Time: I honestly could not do this fast enough. I think it took me 30 seconds to throw the old measuring cups out of the drawer and replace them with these guys. That includes about 15 seconds of me just staring in awe at the clean and organized space. 

Anyone inspired to revamp your measuring cups and spoons? Do you have other ways of storing them that don't make you want to rip your hair out?

Thanks for visiting! 

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