Friday, February 28, 2014

Use What You've Got!

Back to life. Back to reality. Back to the city. Ugh. From crystal clear water, white sandy beaches, and sun in our faces, to rivers laden with ice, sidewalks covered in frozen spit balls, and wind that will knock you right over {why do I live here again?}.

Just before I left, I shared with you all a little update that took place in our office/green room/spare room. We replaced some not so realistic "office" furniture, with a couple of small bookshelves {read more about that here}. While I hated the linen drawers for the office, I wasn't about to toss out two perfectly functioning sets of drawers. 
I had been wanting some kind of extra shelf storage in the bathroom for a while but I couldn't find anything that fit nicely. Guess what fits nicely, guys?
I made some minor tweaks to brighten up the drawer frame and allow it to transition nicely in it's new space. I spray painted the grey frame white and removed one of the drawers to open up the look a bit. 

In it's place, I added our medicine bins {read more on those here}. I cut a piece of cardboard and covered it with a shelf liner to allow the bins to rest nicely on the rack. 
On the top I added our new glass canisters {thank you Popplewell family!} and a few other items to brighten the space {framed 'art' and a bit of coral from the Caribbean}.
{Obviously, the Coral is a recent addition which is why you don't see it in all the pictures :) }
The drawers now contain hair supplies, {brush, hair dryer, curling and flat irons} and our extra hand towels. 
I couldn't be more happy with the way this piece works in here. Well, actually I guess I could be happier. I kinda, sorta, really badly hate the color of the drawers with the new white frame. Anyone know how to paint linen drawers? I looked into it a bit but I'm a little too nervous to start. Has anyone ever done such a thing? 
Cost: Free! By using things I already had, I was able to add storage to the bathroom and not throw out a perfectly good shelf system. 
Time: 30 minutes {minus paint drying time}.

I love being able to use things I have to create an entirely new look in our home. Have you done any project like this? 

Thanks for visiting! 

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