Friday, February 21, 2014


Hello from Anguilla! Yes, you read it correctly, I'm on a little vacation right now, but I definitely have not forgotten about all of you! Unfortunately, due to being out of the country, I don’t exactly have anything planned for this week. SO… This week, I'd like to do things a little different. I would love to hear from you. Every now and then someone shares a project they've completed or something that has inspired them, and I love it! I love knowing I'm not the only one out there who gets inspired by cork or has a ridiculous supply of cards and letters. You all are such an inspiration to me, and selfishly, I want more! 

So, what have you been up to? Have you completed any projects recently? Or, are there some projects that just have you stuck? If so, share it! What has inspired you lately to tackle a project that’s been lingering? Either leave a comment, email me {}, or use the contact tab above to reach me. 

I'll be honest, the colors and atmosphere here have really inspired me to start tackling our bedroom colors. If the snow and cold isn't doing it for you back home, here are some colorful shots of serenity that have been inspiring me each day. 

Thanks for visiting! 

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