Friday, November 13, 2015

Nursery Sneak Peek

Hey guys! I have nothing for you today. Full disclosure, I was 100% confident I would be in the hospital this morning proudly showing off Baby James. Don't ask me why, I thought my gut was telling me he was coming last night, but apparently it just wanted ice cream. 
So I have nothing prepared for today. Obviously, I am not in the hospital. I am still pregnant. And it's looking more and more like I will not be one of those women who has her first baby early. I'm just praying I am not one who has him super late! 

Anyway, although our nursery isn't 100% completed {waiting on the chair and to put up curtains}, I figured I would just share a few photos of the space. If you were at one of my baby showers, you may recognize a few things. I plan to share with all of you how everything came together and the things that make this room filled to the brim with love, but unfortunately not today.
Read more about this DIY artwork here
And just a peek of his bathroom. You may recognize some these pieces from the baby shower.
I will share more on how all of these pieces came together and how we created this space for our little man. So consider this a tease. 

Don't forget to enter your bets into the pool for Baby James, it's open until the 15th! If you want to avoid creating an account just write your bets for date, weight and length into the comments on this post or the original. I definitely did not realize the site was going to prompt people to create an account, sorry!! Don't want anyone to miss out on the chance to win big! 
Also, don't hesitate to share an organizing story or DIY project you've completed that has made an impact in your life in some way. It can be anything from organizing pictures to organizing an attic. Welcoming all stories! Read more about that here! Submit your story to

Thanks for visiting!

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