Friday, June 26, 2015

Baby Jones is a...

Hey guys! No organizing post again this week. I know, I'm really sorry. We're moving out of our apartment on Tuesday and won't actually be in our house until July 15th {maybe, still waiting for the official close date}. So we're in a bit of an in between state. However, if you read, and voted, last week, you know that this week we're sharing the sex of our baby!

First of all, I think I'm going to need to incorporate more polls into this blog. That was seriously so much fun! Thank you to those who voted!

After our appointment yesterday, we are able to confirm that the majority of you were correct in your guess! Baby Jones is a...
18 weeks, 5 days. 9 oz. 
Excitement isn't a strong enough word. We both have nieces so this will be a totally new adventure for us. So, any advice for raising boys? Any fun boy stories? We'd love to hear it all! 

Thanks for visiting!

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