Friday, September 26, 2014

Hello from Moorea!

Hello from Moorea! No, I'm not actually going to post an organizing or DIY treat for you today. Just wanted to share some pictures and let you all know I'll be taking the next couple weeks off to celebrate our honeymoon. Don't worry, I'm not taking any time away from the beach or sun to write this either. It's 6 am here, and between jet lag and the fire alarm that has gone off three times since 4 am, I just can't get back to sleep. So instead, I'll share a few pictures of our "home" for the next week and then get back to my To-Do list. 
So excited to start our looong journey 
Feeling pretty special, the one and only delayed flight 
Sunset, or maybe sunrise, from the plane
Finally landed in Tahiti. Just another 3 hours to go!
Moorea, our destination
The water is really that color
Middle of the ocean

Our backyard
My camera is not underwater for this
My To-Do List
Feel free to hate me, I kinda hate me a little. But I only plan to go on one honeymoon so I have every intention of making it the best trip ever! See ya back here in two weeks!!

Thanks for visiting!

1 comment:

  1. It's beautiful! Thank you for sharing! So happy for guys! Enjoy every minute!


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