Friday, January 6, 2017

What to do with Holiday Photo Cards

Happy New Year! Who still has their holiday decorations up? The decorations are down in our home, but they definitely are not away yet. We still have storage bins just sitting out, and a few ornament wreaths still hanging. One step at a time. 

Something I always struggle with around this time is what the heck to do with all of the greeting cards we receive. Normally, I store them all in my card basket in the way I mentioned several years ago, however, that basket has finally started to max out on space and honestly, I feel a little bad storing so many adorable photo cards hidden away like that. I mean, look at all of these adorable faces! 
So this year, I decided I'd do things a little differently. Instead of tucking all of the photo cards away each year, I made them a decoration. 
First, I did something I've never done. I threw away cards. I tossed all the ones that didn't have a photo on it. I know, I know, I feel terrible even admitting it, but as Brit pointed out, if I keep holding on to every greeting card this way, we will be overcome in the next 5 years. And he's right, actually it will probably be sooner than that. So it's not that I don't love all of the cards, or people who sent them to us, but in this case, space outweighs sentiment. 

This project is so easy and acts as a simple coffee table decoration for the holidays as well. 
Simply use a hole puncher to punch a hole into each card. I chose to punch two holes to make mine almost like a little booklet. 
To make sure the holes lined up, I put an already punched card on top of the next card then punched the holes. This picture doesn't demonstrate that quite as well as I would have liked, but hopefully that makes sense.
Then use whatever you fancy to bind the cards together. I chose to use a decorative ribbon, but a loose binder ring works great as well. 
The great thing about these little booklets is you can appreciate the back of cards as well while flipping through.
I decided to go back to previous years and do the same thing with our cards. I added a cover page with the year on each booklet using washi tape and now I can't wait to use these as decorations for next year! It's going to be so fun to put these out next year and look through them, especially to see how much so many of these baby faces will grow by next year!
How to do store your greeting cards? Do you have a creative way for putting them on display each year?

Thanks for visiting!

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