Friday, November 11, 2016

Little Post, BIG News!

Hi guys! So I have a nice organizing post for you all pretty and ready, except for one tiny little hiccup, it's not actually ready yet. BUT I do have something else to share with you this week....
Yup, we're expecting our second little boy in May 2017! James is excited, I swear. So things are about to get a little hectic in this house. 

Moms, I'm calling out to you, moms of boys, moms of two or more, moms who have survive the first year, moms who have survived the first week, help. How do I do this again? I mean, I know it wasn't really that long ago {trust me, the memories of trying to put pants on 9 months pregnant and the recovery after James are seriously super fresh in my mind}, but I would LOVE advice, tips, survival guides, anything you did that helped. This is seriously my favorite part of being a mom. I love hearing how other moms, OR DADS, did it! So please, comment, email, snail mail, whatever you prefer, but TELL ME YOUR SECRETS!!

Anyway, for those of you who love the details, I am somewhere between 12 and 14 weeks along {doctors say 12, I say 14, and with my all medical expertise I'm pretty sure I'm right...}. We did the Progentiy test, simple blood test for any genetic disorders, and were able to find out the sex chromosome: male. Feeling super, super sick but just started taking Diclegis so hopefully that gets sorted soon. So far it's actually quite different than with James, there are some similarities but very few. 

I just had to share this series of photos with you all. So Brit was actually away for business when I got the news we were having a boy. He insisted on waiting to find out until he was home so we could celebrate together. So I baked him a cake and used blue icing for the center. I mean, what better excuse to have cake, right? 
You guys, it was seriously, the cutest thing! I mean, I think he is a little excited. 

Ok, that's my "little" post, sorry I rambled on a bit. I hope you all have an amazing weekend!! See you next week :) 

Thanks for visiting!

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