Monday, June 13, 2016

What I've Been Up To...

So blogging has been a little hit or miss for me lately. I typically write while James sleeps. James' sleep schedule has been looking a little something like this lately. Either I have two uninterrupted hours to dedicate to writing one stellar post, or I have about 5 minutes to either shower, brush my teeth, eat, pee, or just stare off into space and wonder what I'm going to do with my five free minutes. 

Aside from blogging and not blogging, I've been up to a few things lately that I really wanted to share with you all. First and foremost, I started a DIY class {whaaaaa??} Yea, crazy right? One of the moms from my pediatrician's office suggested I start hosting classes for people after seeing my blog {genius}. I've hosted two classes so far and it has been so much fun! 

One thing I have learned is that despite how detailed I think I'm being when I describe "how to", I could stand to be a little more descriptive. So my How To posts may become a bit more lengthy, but it's for your benefit, I promise. The first project was creating these adorable Coastal Coasters. They are SO easy and so cute! Stay tuned for my post on how you can create your own! 

Also, if you're feeling really super lost without my weekly posts you are in for a real treat. Over the past few weeks I have been participating in a fitness class called Body Back through the Fit4Mom program. You guys, I'm dying. And would you all believe I was asked to go three days without having any added sugar!? I feel like that should be a form of torture. Yet, I keep going back. I won't go into all of the details here but if you'd like to stay updated on the progress, check out the Fit4Mom Fairfield County site and follow along!
And then of course I'm spending some serious outdoor time with this little alabaster prince. Pardon the photo overload. Six photos seems so minute compared to the 100+ I take daily. 

Thanks for visiting!

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