Friday, June 19, 2015

Pregnancy Update: Can you guess the gender?

After over a month of living in a hotel room equivalent, we are finally able to start packing things up. We officially sold our apartment and are working towards a potential June 30th close date. Which means, I'm unemployed, homeless, and pregnant. Fingers crossed we're able to get into our new home soon though! 

Anyway, due to the status of our apartment and moving process, I decided instead of an organizational post I would just give you all a pregnancy update. As well as a chance to participate in our little voting process for the baby's gender! ;) 

I'll give you a little more information so you can take an informative vote {as much as one can at this stage}. 
  • How far along: 18 weeks {as of tomorrow}
  • Baby size: Sweet potato {5.6 inches, 6.7 ounces}
  • Sleep: Like a baby, as in I'm up a few times a night. Mainly just for bathroom breaks though. 
  • Movement: I felt a "flutter" once, it felt a lot like small bubbles, so it also could have been gas...
  • Cravings: Strawberry pancakes and cereal
  • Aversions: Baby is not a fan of jelly beans. Other than that, as long as it's cereal or pancakes, I'm super happy to eat it. 
  • Symptoms: Lower back pains, exhaustion, total chill mode {hardly anything stresses me out these days}. 
  • Weight: Up 8 lbs.
For those who believe in the old wives' tales: 
Full disclosure, I would never describe myself as graceful, but I'm also not super clumsy {when compared to my sister}. So between a choice of the two, obviously I'd prefer to say I'm graceful. Also, although I would say I'm not moody at all, I'm pretty sure Brit would disagree. I think I'm as pleasant as a cupcake, but I suppose crying during Zillow commercials and getting mad because I can't walk as fast could potentially categorize me as "moody". 

I don't have glamorous bump pictures to share. Instead of dolling myself up each week for a memorable snapshot, we've been taking them last minute, just before bed, when I am typically worn down from the day, dirty, exhausted, and basically salivating at the idea of getting into bed. However, I like you guys so I'm going to share a picture anyway. This one is from last night, so it's 17 weeks and 5 days along. 
And here they all are in their glory. I will say, I tried to avoid wearing any colors in the pictures until we knew the gender, because you know, the color of my shirt can totally have an effect on the gender. 
Ok, now it's your turn! Based on all of this fun information, what do you think it is? Boy or Girl? 
I should also mention, the doctor has told us twice since Week 13 that it's a boy, yet given us no ground for this guess. We will find out for sure next week! 

Thanks for visiting!

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