Friday, September 12, 2014

Balcony Update: The Cinder Block Bench

Hey all! A really timely post for you guys today. Nothing like a little DIY outdoor bench for the end of summer, right? Maybe you can use the idea to create a bench for around a fire to roast mallows on a nice fall night. Let's go with that!
I've told you all about my plans to update our balcony on here before, and the terrible, horrible, very bad timing of the facade update of our building. But I pressed on. I've added a Manhattan garden, as I like to call it, as well as a few other details {which I will share with you on a later date}. One of the last major additions I wanted to make to our balcony was more seating. I found this image on Pinterest and decided to go for it...
I wish it was as easy as saying that. There were a few hoops to jump through. Hoop number one, NYC does not sell cinder blocks. I mean, how does the "concrete jungle" not sell small blocks of concrete? So we needed called in a favor from Brit's parents to see if they could bring in six cinder blocks on their next trip into the city from CT. We truly had no idea how much we were asking. Cinder blocks weigh about 30 lbs. each. And we asked for six... Oops. Uber grateful to my new in-laws for hauling all that in! Then we got a little concerned that maybe putting nearly 200 pounds worth of concrete on our balcony wasn't exactly the brightest idea.
I never said we were bright though. We've just decided to pretend the bench is a person who is constantly sitting on our balcony. Placing two blocks side by side vertically, and the other horizontal on top, we had the base of our bench. Truly, truly, that easy.

Now we just needed the bench part. I was making our bench a bit more narrow than those I'd seen on Pinterest because our balcony is not really that spacious and using two rows of wood rather than four still provides plenty of sitting space.

Purchasing 4x4s in the city is a little bit easier than purchasing cinder blocks. You just have to know the right places to go. There are a few lumber stores to choose from, or Home Depot. Unfortunately, the lumber shop next to us has very odd hours and is never open when we are able to go. So we ventured up to Home Depot, where I had previously scoped the scene to make sure 4x4s were sold there. And they are! Just not on this day. Without going into too much detail, this project had already taken a very long time to execute and I was not willing to wait much longer {famous last words}. So instead of buying two 4x4s, we purchased four 2x4s. Close enough, right?
After spending about 15 minutes talking with the incredibly nice, and helpful, and talkative, Home Depot staff, we headed over to find some wood stain for outdoor use. Guess what? NYC Home Depots don't sell that {of course they don't}. Looks like I was going to have to wait a little longer after all. We ended up ordering some stain online and it came about two days later {thank you Amazon Prime!!}.

Then I stained the wood. I had never stained anything before so I was a little anxious about the whole process. But it only took 30 minutes and was super easy. It did make the entire floor of our apartment building have a particular odor for a day, but worse odors have been released into that hallway so I don't feel too bad.
Sliding the 2x4s into the opening of the cinder blocks, a bench was created. Might I add, a super sturdy and durable bench as well! We don't have to worry about it breaking, or rusting, or having to take it indoors when a storm is coming.
I had purchased a bench cover on Amazon about, umm, 3 months ago when I had originally planned to start this project. This little burnt orange number has been itching to go outside, and finally she can!!
I snagged the outdoor pillows from Home Goods, two pillows for $15. Not too bad. Not too bad at all.
Truth be told, I had much bigger plans I wanted to share with you this week. The balcony is about 90% finished, in my opinion. There are still a few things I'd like to add to make it more comfortable and inviting, but I just haven't had the chance to yet and I'd waited long enough to share this bench with you. I planned to have the post be a "reveal" of the new and improved space. It just isn't that. But what I do have is pictures from us eating dinner outside last night and enjoying a gorgeous sunset. Just look at that glamorous meal!
Ok, you caught me, it's just some pasta, but I was very glad for the change of scenery for our dinner.

 Here is a better, more focused shot, without the bench. NYC can have some stellar skies,
Cost: Under $20! Four 2x4s = $6. A-maz-ing. Six cinder blocks = $10, about $1.50 each. I mean, where in the world are you going to find such a durable bench for that price? {two 4x4s = about $17 total, so if you use those, it will cost a little more. But still quite inexpensive!} 
Time: Aside from the idle time in the project, it was quite quick. Less than 5 minutes to set up the blocks, 30 minutes to stain the wood, and another 5 to put everything in it's place. 40 minute project. 
I'm considering painting the cinder blocks, not sure what color yet, what are your thoughts? Anyone make any big changes to their outdoor space this summer? 

Thanks for visiting! 


  1. That little bench is brilliant, I think I can use that idea in my greenhouse. I wonder if I could go up one more level to make sturdy shelves for my plants? hmmm...

    1. Hi Sher! Thank you so much! I bet making shelves would look amazing, feel free to share any pictures. Thanks for reading!

  2. I'm definitely going to do this! I love organizing everything. Just found this page and loving it. Thank you for sharing :)

    1. Hi there! I'm so glad you enjoy it! Thank you so much for reading!


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