Friday, August 15, 2014

Remembering Wedding Vows and Marriage Tips

The other day a friend was asking me questions about our wedding and was curious about our vows, did we write our own, or use traditional? I said both. We basically pulled from several different versions and then added a little bit of our own {or at least I did as a surprise to Brit on the big day, gotta keep him on his toes}. Then she started asking me specifically what our vows were.... uhh.... umm.... they were.... well we definitely said, "As long as we both shall live", or at least I think we did. 

Truth is, I forget. And it was not even three months ago!! Pretty much felt like the worst wife in the world at that point. I know the basics of what we said, but for the life of me I couldn't remember anything specific at that time.

Brit and I had previously discussed printing our vows and framing them, especially since my uncle officiated and had sent us a copy of the whole ceremony typed out. After this little interaction, I felt that it was time to start that project.

Unfortunately, it didn't work out as planned. I wanted to print the entire document on an 11x17 piece of paper and then age the paper with coffee, tea, or orange juice, and frame it. But our printer, much to both of our surprise, only takes documents up to 10 inches wide. Ugh. Ok, plan B. We decided to create a customized canvas on {or anywhere else that does it cheaper if you know of a place!} Here is a preview of the 16x20 canvas that could be on the way soon.
I'm still not 100% sold on the way it looks so I think I'll tinker around a little bit more. Have you done anything with your wedding vows? Suggestions are welcome!

I decided I still wanted to feel accomplished in doing something to remember our wedding, so I decided to address another project we had placed on the back burner.
Our photographer had sent us a box of photos printed on foam board from the wedding, and instead of just leaving them in a stack on our coffee table {where they've been for the past two months}, we decided to get a little creative.

Brit had these large metal frames that he'd been holding on to for over four years, {yes, over four years}, just waiting for the right project to come along.
Using a little fishing wire and tape, I hung two photos in each frame.

Before we got married we attended three sessions of premarital counseling. In those sessions there were some key words that we took away, Sacrifice, Be Gentle, Submit, and Repent. These words have acted as reminders to both of us that our marriage is not something that will always be easy and we will have to work at it. I decided to add some of those words to the frames as well. I used my Silhouette Cameo to cut out each word. Then I attached the words to the fishing line as well.

We decided to hang the frames in the bedroom above our bed. I can't even tell you how much I love them there!
I just love how the open frames and hanging pictures work around the stripes on the wall. That space has felt empty since we painted, I feel that the frames really just tie it all together. Although the words are not as clear here, they are easily readable in person.
I used Command picture hanging strips to hang the frames. They use a velcro like material to keep the frame in place. So if I need to take it down, I can easily do so without damaging the walls, and without having any nail holes. I will say, I have a small fear that they will all come tumbling down in the night {PTSD from the spice rack probably}, but so far so good!

Cost: Free! We had the frames and photos, as well as all of the supplies on hand. Love it when this happens!
Time: It took about 20 mins to measure and hang the photos in the frames, and then an additional 20 minutes to measure and "hang", or do I say tape, up each frame.

What kinds of small art projects have you tackled? Have you used wedding photos or vows in special way in your home?

Thanks for visiting! 

1 comment:

  1. Yeah it’s true that most of the people forget their vows because most of them use traditional ones. The people only remember their weddings venue you know I am one of them as I don’t remember the vows. I liked your idea of print the vows on a paper and framing them. I will also try to do the same if I found the copy of our vows!


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