Friday, May 16, 2014

It's a Blogiversary!

Happy Blogiversary to The Realistic Organizer! {yup it's a word in the blog world, who knew?} Cue the balloons, streamers, and music! We're celebrating!! Ok, so maybe we don't need allll that, but a little happy dance and a post should suffice {for those of you who know me and my love of all things celebratory, I think we can admit this is quite toned down}.
Anyway, can you believe it's been a year?? I sure can't. Part of me feels like I just started yesterday and still have so much to learn, the other part of me can barely remember a time when I wasn't blogging. That is one sentence I honestly never thought I'd say/type. But it's true. I absolutely love, love, love doing this week in and week out and look so forward to talking to you all! Even though the conversation can be a little one sided, it means so much to me when you either comment, email or talk to me in person about a recent post or organizing project you're working on. I do back flips in my head.

I have learned so much from all of you over the last year and it has been so inspiring. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for reading and for putting up with my terrible puns and corny jokes.

Would you believe that I was actually terrified to start this blog? It was one of those things that I knew I wanted to do but actually going through with it was probably one of the scariest things I've done {I live a life a constant thrills, obviously}. Not gonna lie, I cried after my first post. Yea, if that's not embarrassing enough, when Brit asked why I was crying, {wait for it}, "cyber bullies". Yup, I was scared of cyber bullies, people being mean to me online, making fun of me, or any other thing that "cyber bullies" might do. I could not have been more wrong! Everyone has been so nice and supportive, I cannot tell you how much I appreciate it.

So again, thank you! Now, let's take a look at some of the favorites from year one:
Repurposed Cosmetic Organizer
Chaotic Kitchen Cupboard
Folding for Travel
Looking into year two, what are some things you'd like to read about or areas you're struggling with organizing? Fellow bloggers, any advice for tackling year two? Any {non-cyber bully} feedback is welcome!

I'll be taking the next week off to celebrate the big blogiversary, just kidding, I'm getting married!! Ahhh!!
So needless to say, I'll be a bit preoccupied. However, I hope to return with new inspiration, new ideas, and a new name! I hope you all have a fabulous week next week, a gorgeous Memorial Day weekend, and a wonderful start to your summer! Until next time...

Thanks for visiting! 

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